Thursday, August 2, 2007

Casey's "Final" Haterzcast Emails

Casey Has Jumped The Shark posted (on an email conversation with Casey in preparation for the final Haterzcast. Here are two emails he says Casey wrote:

I talked with my wife about the hater cast. First talking with my wife is a very rare occasion and very painful, but when I finally got her to give me some feedback she said if i do go on I should do NO SPINNING though she highly doubts I will be able to do that.

So I propose to have the first/last NO-SPIN cast. I know I know...
IS THAT POSSIBLE? Well since I will be in "hater territory" and will not have mute ability I will be forced to answer some tough questions. However, if people are being unreasonable or I simply don't want to talk about it I want to be able to skip it. however, if I DO answer I am NOT allowed to SPIN anything. I will do my best. I have nothing to lose. The blog is gone, I don't care about any "story" anymore.

Here are the subjects I want to address:

  • how much I sold the blog for
  • how I waffled about what I'm going to do with the money and how I started to consider shiny things instead of following through my promise
  • how I came to my sense and decided to do the right things with the money
  • how I started to waffle AGAIN
  • what is the status of the money now
  • what is the status on paying off G's cards
  • what happend to traffic ticket
  • what happend to my deal with Mark and attorney fees its costing me
  • what is happening with FBI and criminal defense
  • what is my plan for employment
  • what is my plan for business, etc...
  • address the page marriage issues as truthfully as possible
Answer any other questions.

KEEP IN MIND ABOUT DUANE: I DO NOT want to talk to that guy. I dont' care if he listens to the cast but I will not talk to him. I have ZERO respect for him and will not waste any energy on him.

Let me know

Casey Serin

Other things I will have to cover by the request of my wife and also because I should set the record straight in light of the no-spin cast:
  • I am a lier and manipulator (not outright lies but often half-truths)
  • I trick myself into thinking gray is OK. There is definitely gray areas out there but not as much as I'd like to think and I should always stay on the white as much as possible.
  • I have been wanting to divorce on and off for the first 2 years of marriage but have been too chicken to do it myself. Through my behavior I left Galina a long time ago. I guess I left her as soon as we got married. I left her for my business and my financial goals and other goals.
  • I was pressuring her during Australia trip to go ahead and get a separation or a divorce because I wanted to be able to change my name without getting her permission. The reason for the name change is a new "shiny object" - there is a way to get a brand new credit file by changing my name and doing a few other things, which I was told are not illegal but sure sound "gray".
  • I am a big hypocrite when I use bible quotes or make spiritual references making it seem like I have it all together with God but when I am often living in sin by trampling on my own marriage with my separatist attitude.
  • The last post where I wrote a message to my wife, although started out as no-spin and genuine, still turned into a spin and besides if it was truly a message to my wife I should not have posted it publicly

Man, that's a lot of hard stuff to admit but I have to start somewhere. So on the talkcast I can talk about each statement.

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