Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Excellent KoiCast

Nigel's emergency koicast yesterday had Casey, and lots of fecal ferret droppings.

Relevant links:

Casey left ForeclosureHelpBook because Damion got frustrated with all of Casey's flip flopping. They agreed that since Casey didn't get anything done, that he would eat his last two weeks salary, so Casey is short on cash.

Casey just went to a another seminar, which he viewed as a free way to network. Nigel asked him what a seminar has ever done for him, to which Casey said "Seminars have gotten me exactly where I am today." This apparently is a ringing endorsement in the Caseyverse. Casey also revealed that it is rare for him to go to a seminar and NOT buy something. This guy should change his name to Mark.

Casey is currently in Sacramento, looking for work. He got up at 8 AM yesterday and worked for eight hours before the koicast, but he can't remember what he did. Nigel says "You have a different definition of work than I do."

Honestly Wondering captured this exchange:
"do you see yourself as bound by your old promises?"

"that's a good question. I dunno. That's a tough question."

"what's your definition of 'promise'?"

"that's a loaded question. what's your point?"

"people don't think you've kept ANY of your promises."

"yeah, they have a point."

"why make promises if you don't intend to keep them?"

CASEY: "when they try to put me in a corner with a yes or no, I stick to my maybe"

Our hero also said that he would consider eating a bug for money, depending on species and amount of currency involved. Apparently he is living with his folks but still spends $200 per month at Whole Foods, so I'd imagine he's only willing to eat organic semi-vegan bugs.

He claims that he has an investment worth $5000 that he bought into for $3700, apparently a reference to GSPG. Also not revealed: Did he tell the bankruptcy attorney he's got assets like this?

So, all in all, same old song and dance, same old Casey. Maybe the IRS or FBI can slap some sense into him.

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