Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's been a busy month for some people. Not for our snowflake, of course, no month is ever busy for him.

October 6:

First, 7 Foreclosure Mistakes Ready For Download, Help Me Edit and Figure Out Branding ( discussion)

How about you download a "rough draft pre-release" version of his e-book and help him edit it? I can't wait to see what inventive new sentence fragments he's created.
Current "branding":
As you can see I decided incorporate 7 Foreclosure Mistakes into My Foreclosure Story which is going to be my full ebook that I will be selling.
Maybe having two separate products is a good idea. I really like the sound of 7 Foreclosure Mistakes. It’s a nice title and can stand on it’s own.

My Foreclosure Story is a nice a title for the paid book but I’m also considering I Survived Foreclosure which would be a nice play on I am Facing Foreclosure from before.

You also remember my old brands: Escape My House and Escape My Mortgage. I decided not to use them for now because I think the word “escape” may have a negative / illegal connotation and I think I should stick with the word “Foreclosure”...
Heaven forbid we have a negative/illegal connotation.

October 7:

Conspiracy Page Started ( discussion)

Because you can never have enough stories about how the Jews are behind 9/11.

October 8:

More Focus, Media Logos, Testing Brands With Adwords ( discussion)
I asked a few of you about your opinion on this. I got pros and cons on both sides. I’m still torn and it’s actually affecting my performance. Settling a brand is a pretty important detail to take care of early on.

So why don’t I just let the market decide?

I’m going to run a test today using Google Adwords, with my free $50 voucher (from my host 1and1). The ad will be the same but the domain different and the branding on the landing page will change depending on the domain they clicked on.

The domain which gives me the best click-through AND conversion will be the winner!
Funny, here it is October 25 and we haven't heard which one won.

October 9:

Nigel posts on donthatecasey - Leave Casey Serin Alone ( discussion)
At the end of the day, we can't blame Casey Serin. He was enticed by real estate seminar gurus advertising on late night television and enabled by lenders willing to loan hundreds of thousands of dollars to consumers with a mid-level credit scores desiring to cash in on one of the biggest real estate booms in American history. You can't really blame Casey Serin for this. He didn't invent the stated income "liar" loan. He didn't market half-truths on late night TV. He's not even the one being bailed out by tax payer money for $700,000,000,000. Let's not interfere in his life any longer. Whether he knows what he's doing or not is no longer our concern. Please, leave Casey Serin alone.
Wow. Well, he did lie about owner occupied status, hid cashback at close, and generally committed many felonies. And, he's a direct cause of the need for the bailout. So, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to leave him alone until he's in Federal Prison.

October 10:

Annoucement: My Live Show Starts Tonight, GoldSpring (GSPG) BBQ Tomorrow ( discussion)

Mostly he just pimps his very exciting talkcast and announces he's going to be at the GSPG barbecue on the 11th.

Later that night, he holds his talkcast. You can allegedly listen to it at talkshoe, but I think that reading the comments at will give you all the Casey quotes you need:
The Master Cleanse is like changing the oil filter in your car. If you haven't changed it for a while, it's gonna be pretty dirty.

Your body can create its own protein.

He has three weeks before he needs to make another payment to the hotel. Thinks he can get something going by then.

Got no time for books or theories.
Wasn't that more fun than listening to Casey?


GoldSpring (GSPG) Investor BBQ and Virginia City Photos! ( discussion)

Just pictures.

October 14:

Feeling Overwhelmed, Will Start Selling “Rought Draft” Tomorrow ( discussion)
I wanted to finish the iSurvivedForeclosure book this week but I’m feeling overwhelmed.
I’m on my second week of the Sink or Swim month and I’m starting to feel the pressure. It was especially evident when I open the fridge and there is no food left except for green “super food” powders.
But wine can only do so much, so I turned to God, the ultimate source of strength. I read a great passage in the bible (Psalm 27) and prayed for guidance.
This morning I was an early riser and even went to the gym for the first time since the Master Cleanse. Feeling motivated, I considered all the various half-finished drafts and fragments of text to figure out where to begin with finishing the book.

Then an idea hit me…

What if I take all the fragments and slap it all together into a “rough draft” and actually start selling it!?

Like tomorrow!!
He then updates
And Support Me in Building The Best
Foreclosure Survival Site on the Internet!
Reports indicate that the "rough draft" you can download after spending fifty bucks is 19 pages long.

October 16:

True Casey Serin Show Episode 2: Ebook Progress, Member Site Idea and Eliminating Haterz, Trolls and Toxic Negativity ( discussion)

Not much here except a poll asking how he can eliminate negativity from his life. "Get a freaking job" is not one of the options.

October 20:

About Casey Serin & Don’t Hate… Support and Appreciate! ( discussion)

Casey provides About Casey Serin and Don’t Hate But Support and Appreciate! pages on his site.

About Casey Serin has his life story, in a nutshell:
My Dream Since High School…

To develop multiple streams of passive income through internet, entrepreneurship and high-return investing with the help of various forms of financial / outsourcing / technological leverage…

… in order to escape “the rat race”, to never have to work a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) and to become truly secure, self-sufficient and independent

… in order to give back to my parents for raising me and providing me a safety net, to reward them with early retirement

… in order to have the freedom of time to build many close relationships and develop various skills/talents, and to have the freedom of location to live off-the-grid and travel the world in a low-profile, “Perpetual Traveler” (PT) kind of way.
Don't Hate is a rather long winded explanation of, well, something. I'm not sure what.
“If You Can’t Say Anything Loving, Positive or Constructive, I Don’t Want To Hear It or See It, And I Don’t Even Want You In My LIFE!”

I don’t need “Yes men” but neither will I put up with negative people that only want to drag me down to their level. I encourage feedback. If you disagree with me or with what I’m doing and truly care, you will find a way to say it in a constructive way.

The spiritual side is at play too.

The Devil is called “The Great Deceiver” in the bible and as humans we can be swayed easily, especially if we’re NOT walking close to God. Even if we have been forgiven and restored to a clean state with God, our old sinful nature, and bad habits, will tempt us, sometimes in a very subtle way.

October 21:

Is Barack Hussein Obama a Citizen? Don’t Like McCain Either. All The Same. Wakeup PEOPLE!!! ( discussion)

In which Casey gets stoned and posts at 3 AM without even the benefit of Doritos. Or

Some Thoughts… Blogging, Economy, Survival ( discussion)

Well, not so much thoughts as incoherent One World Government conspiracy ramblings.
OK, things may not ever get as bad as I (and other patriots) predict. But all my alternative media sources are pointing to a major economic downturn, a depression. Plus a war with Iran is very likely too. A flue pandemic is a possibility as well. It’s all part of the agenda. They’re getting ready for it. And you will never hear it on your nightly news, that’s fore sure!

A big financial or political crisis creates a perfect opportunity for the globalists/establishment/elites to keep offering us “solutions” to keep us safe and to bail us out.
Well, he almost gets it:
Then me talking about all this conspiracy / truther stuff… it’s only going to continue hurting my image. People will mis-understand and think of me as a lunatic. I want to reach out and share the truth but it seems to be falling on deaf ears or just making me look like an idiot.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Damion Lupo in a Tuxedo Kilt

After that last post I need something to sooth my nerves. Ah, just the ticket:
Damion's Awesome Tuxedo Kilt

Next: 30 Days in Hotel… Sink or Swim!

Next: 30 Days in Hotel… Sink or Swim! - discussion

This is another classic.

I’m back in Sacramento and about to check into a hotel for a month. Increasing my pace to make up for lost time. Foreclosure mistakes ebook launch to come shortly. It will be my first info-product business. Exciting stuff!!

I’m cutting it very close. My startup capital is running VERY thin. The next 30 days will be sink-or-swim time. If I don’t get some kind of income going in this time-frame, I will have to move into my car.

My money's on "unexpected 'income' from unsuspecting business partner/relative/credit card company".

Just finalized my check in. To pre-pay for a month of hotel I scraped up room on 3 different credit cards and a some cash. I only have one card left with $1,000 on it, $300 in my PayPal account (thx Nigel) and $100 cash in my pocket. I better make it last and I don’t want to sell any more assets.

It’s no secret that I’ve been financing the startup-up of my new Foreclosure Help business on credit. That includes living expenses. (This CEO doesn’t work for free, you know?) The total new credit card debt is at $65,000 right now.

Holy fucking shit. Someone loaned this asshole ANOTHER 65k? And those assholes are getting $700 BILLION of MY MONEY? Seriously, WTF?

Because of going through crazy financial hardship last couple of years and a divorce earlier this year I’ve been dealing with depression, lack of motivation and lack-of-focus (well, more than usual). So it’s taking me almost a year to get this business off the ground!

Yes, I put myself in a bind again, perhaps subcontiously. I perform well under pressure, but it’s not the ideal way to live. But what’s done is done and I’m here.

It's taken him nearly a year to write an e-pamphlet. Lack of focus? Hell, he's missing the entire camera.

And I prefer to avoid taking a regular 9-5 job unless I absolutely have to. (I may try monetizing this blog or do web consulting jobs if I must).

Oh, if you have to. You mean like if you have $65,000 in freaking credit card debt? On top of the several HUNDRED THOUSAND you already screwed us over for? Yes, US, since we are stuck holding the bill with the recent bail out?

However, my best shot right now is to parlay my foreclosure experience from the last 2 years into a profitable Foreclosure Help business through selling ebooks/info-products, referring services, etc. It fits into my goal of building passive income and I’m passionate about helping people.

Jesus H. Christ, I swear I'm going to pop an aneurysm or something.

Nigel Kicks Shiteweasel, Gets Stinky Shoe

When last we saw our Dear Snowflake, he was residing at Chez Nigel in exchange for some help moving Nigel into a new house. We now rejoin our story in progress:

True Nigel: Kicked Me Out and Left Me Stranded at 11PM - discussion

This is one post you should actually read. Unbelievable.

I was promised a free place to stay with internet connection and focused time to work on my business.

In exchange Nigel just wanted me to “help him move”. Well, I assumed that means a day or two, helping load the truck, help carry stuff, the usual.

It really turned out to be a 4-5 day thing where I was expected to not only help move but also clean stuff, organize stuff, build furniture and basically be a slave monkey for whatever Nigel wanted me to do.

I didn’t blame him and took it in stride.

Perhaps we had some difference of exceptions. I didn’t mind the extra work in order to earn my free stay.

However, I also didn’t want to work all day long either.

Really? Casey didn't want to work all day long? I'm shocked.

Don't miss Nigel's side of the story on Don't Hate Casey:

Oct. 1 - Vacuum furniture and help me move them inside. ? - 1 pm. No further work done. Car borrowed at 1:30 for short trip to bank to get documents(?) notarized and Internet access. Called at 6:45 pm to go to sushi, which I previously explained I couldn't do. Car returned at 10:30 pm.

Total time working for me - Approximately 26 hours in 12 days.

On the one hand I'm extremely pleased to see Nigel kick Casey like this. I have to say, though, Nigel - couldn't you have seen this coming? 26 hours seems like a lot of work to get out of someone like Casey, even in a month.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

September Wrap-up

Casey finished up the month of September in Utah. We're a bit behind here at Shiteweasel Enterprises, so here's a summary:

Yes, I’m a Serial Entrepreneur, My Ventures and Deals - discussion
Casey details his manifold business successes.

So how does my “batting average” add up?

6 hits out of 15 16 at bats = 0.400 0.375 batting average! (I miscounted, thanks for correcting me in the comments)

Or as I like to say, 37.5% success rate!

I’m currently working on my next venture. I’m VERY excited about the possibilities.

Something is Cooking and It’s Not Good - discussion
More conspiracy theories.
Troops on US Homeland for “Crowd Control” Starting Oct 1st - for the first time ever, never mind that it violates Posse Comitatus Act.

Nice job spelling Posse Comitatus!

More Salt Lake City Trip Photos And Progress - discussion
In which he promises to starve himself to death:
I just finished day 13 of the Master Cleanse and I promised I will not stop until the ebook is complete.

I’m serious!

Problem is that I’ve been flip-flopping a lot, last couple of days on how exactly I’m going to name / brand / position it. The original draft was way too rough and needed a lot of re-writing and tightening.

Tavington is Doing a Master Cleanse! Some Tips… - discussion
Don't click it. Seriously.
About 15 to 30 minutes after drinking the salt water you may experience an urge to fart.


I made that mistake… Good thing I only had to throw away my underwear. My pants didn’t get too stained.

That's all you need to know. He's willing to soil himself to further his lunatic conspiracy health nut wackjob ideas.

Breaking The Fast, Helping Nigel Move, in Utah Indefinitely - discussion
We finish the month off with a boundless horizon of happy days in a Mormon Paradise:
In exchange for helping Nigel move he is letting me stay with him for as long as I need. That’s very nice of him. This is a great time for me to focus on launching my foreclosure help business. Plus Nigel understands internet marketing and real estate so he can help me with my new venture.

But I don’t want to stay too long and wear out my welcome. I also want to make it to the investor BBQ at GoldSpring on October 11th in Virginia City, NV. So I’m not sure how long I will be here, we’ll see. Sometimes I like to take life one day at a time.

Bolding added. I believe that's what we call foreshadowing.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Koicast photos

Nigel has a post with photos from the koicast.

A Pair of Utah Picture Posts

Casey has posted two notes on his trip to Utah with lots of pictures:

In Salt Lake City, Utah So Far… Day 7 of Master Cleanse - discussion

Not much to the post but pictures.

The article is actually very telling of the attitudes toward my story and is a great explanation to the question of “Why do people hate you?”

While the article was pretty negative toward me, Colby raises many valid points. A lot of stuff for me to think about and work to improve on.

Finishing 2007 Taxes, in Utah for A Week or Longer
- discussion

More meat here, including details on taxes:

I know I made close to 100K last year from my all my ventures. Now it’s time to add up all the expenses and deductions. Plus I’m making an updated debt sheet for last year. If I can show that I was insolvent then I will NOT have to pay taxes on forgiveness of debt from all my foreclosures (1099-C).

I’m staying in Utah for another week. Besides the haterz talkcast, I’m also taking this opportunity to get away from it all and focus on making some MAJOR progress. The hotel here is nicer and cheaper than Sacramento. This also a good opportunity to get in touch with some local bloggers and other associates I have in the area.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Colby Cosh: Any system that produced Casey Serin must be rotten to the core

Colby Cosh has written a great piece for the National Post. Excerpts:

Today, Casey is forgotten, but one day, his curious story will be re-examined with intensity and amazement; for he was the canary whose plummet from the perch disclosed that the world’s major financial organs were sucking methane.
Serin was so unaware he’d done anything wrong -- ethically or legally -- that he openly blogged about all this behaviour, defiantly arguing with Web visitors about his refusal to find a job, his carelessness about reporting to creditors, his reliance on patient friends and relatives and the inane purchases he would make whenever some scrap of cash fell in to his hands. He became legendary in the blogosphere and on the talk-show circuit for alternating half-baked musings about whether he’d really done anything wrong, dipstick maxims like, “The fastest way to becoming a millionaire is to borrow a million,” scorn for formal education and hard work and praise for virtually every form of snake oil known to mankind, ranging from enemas to wheat grass to “9/11 truth.”

You can also see discussion on

Friday, September 19, 2008

HaterzCast with Casey

A little late to tell you now, but Nigel held a haterz cast.

Listen yourself, or you can follow along on

Other People's Money, Arbitrage, and Other Concepts Casey Doesn't Understand - discussion

Casey educates us on the way to true wealth. Borrow money at 12% interest to invest in something at 200% interest!

Of course there IS risk.

But nothing great is accomplished without risk. Achieving dreams requires risk.

Risk still needs to be managed and I’m learning to manage it. I’m glad my hard fall with real estate did not turn me into an ultra-safe investor… 12% return?? LOL. Once you taste 1,000% or even 2,000% annualized returns it’s hard to go back. :-)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More GSPG fun... - discussion

I’m trying to not get too excited here. Don’t want to get disappointed. Trying to keep a level head. The leverage used to hold my position has a pretty big burn-rate. Hopefully the return will continue outpacing the cost of credit, like it has been. May the sweet arbitrage continue working in my favor.

Trying to keep a level head? That'd be a first.

Casey moves out - discussion

A shockingly brief post from our favorite bloviator.

Corporate taxes show $0 income. Still had to pay $800 minimum California tax. Plus $59 penalty for failure to send estimated tax earlier in the year.

After picking up the corporate return from my CPA in Roseville and paying $200 for his services, I rushed to the post office and made the extension deadline with just minutes to spare. That was close!

I fail to believe he did something on time.

After reminding us we should all own gold because the economy will collapse at any minute, he drops this nugget:
Oh, yeah today is my last day at my parents house!

Moving into a hotel tonight. Need my own space in order to keep moving forward.

I wonder how long he can afford to live in a hotel on his current income of $0.

He's also got some 26th birthday photos on flickr.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thinking of Moving into a Hotel or a Van link - discussion

Since I’m single and still kind of young, I may want to take this chance to try one of those fantasies of mine: living in a hotel or a van/RV.

I can then get back to live streaming without worrying about affecting my family in any way.

I like the hotel idea… maid service, never have to clean my own toilet, WIFI for my laptop, onsite gym, and they take a credit card!

Oh, come on. Someone gave this guy a credit card? Please ask him the name of the bank so I can short it.

However, in order to afford the hotel I have to get some income going. Perhaps moving into a hotel will give me a real sense of a “burn-rate” and it will give me motivation to finally launch my internet marketing venture off the ground. I’m liking the sound of that!

And speaking of bullshit:

(I’m on my 2nd full day of the Master Cleanse and feeling slugish and sometimes hungry. Have been taking it easy today and making my lemon drink hot for comfort. Looking forward to getting past this initial break-in period and get to the high-energy part.)

Ah yes. The "high-energy part" of NOT EATING. I can't wait.

Friday, September 12, 2008

10-Day Master Cleanse Started, GSPG recovering

TrueCasey blog - discussion

Our snowflake is starting a 10 day fast.

It’s called “The Master Cleanse” and it’s a fast for 10 days (or more) to detoxify and strengthen the body, cure deceases and addictions, loose weight, increase energy, etc. I’ve been wanting to do it since last summer but never got a chance. Now is the time.
A friend is going to do it with me. That was part of the inspiration - to have accountability and see what might happen as you get rid of toxins from the body that have been there for decades.
Besides drinking this special lemonade, the cleanse also calls for a “salt water flush” every morning and drinking laxative tea every night. That helps the body move all the junk and toxins that are being released during the cleanse through the colon and helps the body eliminate all the waste more efficiently.

I started the cleanse last night and about to do my first salt water flush.

With friends like this, who needs salt water flushes enemas?

Prediction: 15% success! I think he'll go for a day and a half.

I gotta get around to finishing the ebook one of these days. Been taking it easy lately.

Sorry, forgot who I was talking about. Prediction: 4% success! I think he'll make it 9 hours.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

26 Years On Earth… 9/11 and Financial Truth… Million Dollarz… My Raw Birthday Post and Video… ENJOY! discussion

Um, wow. If I could cut this Tolstoyvian post down to a single juxtaposition of two quotes, it would be:

I’m a rationalist ENTP (plus an Artisan ESTP)… can’t you tell… look at all this analysis which Rationalists like to do. If you’ve been following me for a while you know I often refer to personality types as a way to help you (and me) understand why I do the things I do. Maybe I talk about it too much. Maybe I even use it as an excuse or a justification to excuse away things I don’t want to change. Perhaps. It’s all good within limit.


Loose Change, The Final Cut — the original viral video on 9/11 truth. A must see with lost of great information, facts, etc. Open your mind and pay attention. Be willing to change your paradigm on everything I know about what the US government and the media told you:

Because being a Rationalist means accepting every nutjob conspiracy theory out there?

Monday, September 8, 2008


I'm ashamed I did it, but I visited Casey's Twitter, um, twaddle. Behold the wild mood swings:

Australia TV interview link posted on They paint me as a criminal on the loose. Tired of negative PR. Time to take control.
- about 4 hours ago from web

After a month of being back online, I realized personal blogging and haterz who are trying to sabatage everything I do is highly distracting
- about 4 hours ago from web

High fever last night and staying in bed today... weird because I'm pretty healthy and don't remember the last time I was sick
- about 4 hours ago from web

Interview on Aussie national TV was 100% success!
- 04:49 PM September 06, 2008 from txt

Portrayed as a criminal - 100% success!

Casey Serin on Australian TV

See Casey on Aussie TV!

It's a gray area. Everybody was doing it, the banks were letting us.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Casey's new venture: Get your free ebook now!

NOTE: It will take a few of days before you recieve your ebook, as it's still being finalized.

Or later!

He's back...

Stop! Collaborate and listen. Casey's back with a brand new invention!

That's right, our favorite shiteweasel of all time is back, he's drinking a wheatgrass shot a day, and he's working on some massive focused action to "launch his new ventures".

His blog has a weird one post per page format. Perhaps it's designed to result in more pageviews, but whatever the reason, it's really annoying. So, here's a link to what's been going down since he popped up to the surface of the cesspool on August 8:

  • August 8: Casey pops back up! Original blog post, discussion

  • back online. is also supposed to work for reasons Casey will be glad to explain to you if you'd like to watch his 87 hours of YouTube content he's put out since resurfacing. However, at this writing is dead.
    As of today, September 6, he says:
    Stay Tuned... Escape My House ebook to come out August 2008!

    I'm holding my breath.

  • August 9: Don't know what to blog about. - discussion. My favorite bit:
    Foreclosure people don’t CARE about my personal life. They want to know what is in it for THEM and how I can help them NOW. So doing any successful business HAS to be about the customer. Sounds like a cliche but its sooo true!

    Wasn't that a Bob Marley song? Foreclosure people, where is your past... foreclosure people, how long can you last?

  • August 10: Gym, Friends, a little Business... Yes. Very little.
    Get another short sale referral the other day and I try to follow up today on it. Leave a message. I hate phone tag and having to sell people on the process. If they can just buy my ebook first they will know how to do it themselves. Then if they need help they can hire me. That would be such a better business model.
    That's the spirit - the only real business opportunity he has and he'll "try to follow up on it."

    Also, Vision for the blog and commitment -

    1. Go to the gym. Today is leg day.
    2. Plan for “Massive Focused Action” this coming up week to launch the EscapeMyHouse project. So I can be a responsible person and get some cashflow going.
    3. Also plan for getting taxes done. The extension deadline is approaching faaaast.
    4. Go to bed early. Relatively speaking.
    5. Wakeup at 6am and CHARGE!

    You can see he's really back on the "early riser" train.

  • August 11: Taking Action -
    Worth 1000:

  • August 12: War, Depression, Gold... - - A very long post about how the world is going to end, so you better buy some GSPG now!

  • Plan for August 13 - Just a picture of his to-do list. Apparently he launched EscapeMyHouse that day! WOohoo!

    Later: Internet marketing - 20% success! in which he expounds at length on internet marketing. A gripping read!

  • August 14: Early Riser Challenge 2!! Electric Boogaloo! -

  • August 15: Dollar's Trash - Gold is Real Cash -

  • August 16: First video post! - Yes, you too can be bored out of your skull watching Casey on YouTube. LEAVE CASEY ALONE!!!!!

  • August 16: Prospecting for Gold - - in which we learn that Casey is going to be waitstaff at an event. Wow! He's working!

  • August 18: 96 hours of Massive Focused Action! - - He's going to work 9-5 Monday-Saturday on! Success is assured! And, NO PERSONAL BLOGGING DURING WORK!

  • August 18: TLDR - Two videos and 100% productivity! -
    What can I say, I love being online. That’s my true self. If I can do something good with it, then “it’s all good’!
    8 Hours of PURE Massive Focused Action. 100% success. I only took a few small breaks to grab a snacks, drink some strong green tea, use the toilet, etc.
    No naps today, just very sleepy, yet still energetic. Weird I know. Must be the high-octane veggie juices, my mile jog this morning and just the sheer excitement of getting things done and make measurable progress! Love it!

    Wow! He worked for 8 hours! Alert the media! We have a True Working Man among us!

  • August 19: Chumbawumba inspiration! - Watch the video of self pity - just 24 hours ago it was a Massive Focused Actionathon - now, let's have a nap and start our workday at 3 PM. But that's OK because we're Self Employed Entrepreneurs!

  • August 19: Nigel I'm Sorry - - a heartfelt apology. Or, I assume so, I'm not watching that crap.

  • August 20: Stop Hatin' and Let's Help People Blah Blah -
    Ok I normally don’t get very worked up with the “haterz” but it got under my skin last night in the comments. I’m NOT going to get a W2 job (unless I have to) or go to college to learn to be a good employee or feel bad about living with my parents to save money until my ventures take off.

    Haterz need to stop trying to force me, a round peg, into their square holes! There is nothing wrong with wanting to be an entrepreneur / internet marketer and wanting to help people with information. I have skills and passion. I have all the expertise I need to get started and can partner with experts for stuff I don’t yet know.

  • August 21: He's going to be a "Reality" TV "Star" -
    It’s all fun and games but billz need to be paid and I’m semi-dying to move outta my parents house!

    I’m working full speed ahead on the ebook because I feel there is a very good chance of making money from it in the next month or two. If I keep taking breaks and delaying it, I will continue having cashflow problems and will have to work more odd jobs or borrow. I don’t want to do that.

    Does he read his own self?

  • August 21: A shirtless video. I'm not linking that shit! -

  • August 22: Goldsprint and Me -
    For the record, I currently control a total of 2.5M shares.

    My total investment into this stock is about 20 grand. (Which was borrowed of course… sweet leverage! :-) )

    If my math is right, he's got $100k worth of this stock. I wonder if his creditors are aware of this?

  • August 23: Old Photos and other rambling -
    I Don’t Want To Hurt Anybody…

    I told my family about the blog today. Their reaction was mixed. Will see how things develop. I may have to move out sooner rather than later, because I don’t want to get them involved too much.

    I’ve hurt people by being too open in the last blog… including my wife who is my first love and I’m still waiting for her (it was fault).

    With this new blog I’m learning to be sensitive, while understanding that there is only so much I can do. Anybody who is going to be famous/infamous as part of their line of work is going to have haterz. That’s just the fact of life. I just have to do whatever I can do to minimize any damage.

    Way TLDR.

  • August 24: -
    What if she’s watching?

    Quietly waiting for me to change?

    She DID say that if I change and become a different person that MAYBE we can date again and remarry.
    Problem - this blog may be giving the wrong image. Perhaps there is a responsible way to continue blogging and documenting my changes. Maybe there is a way to pull it off correctly.
    Can I continue to blog and have a chance to win her back?

    Not this shit again.

  • August 26: Casey.TV acquired! - Wow, those .TV domains are a frickin GOLD MINE, I tell you.

  • August 28: I’m a Professional Blogger and Internet Marketer… That’s My JOB -
    Especially all this talk about getting a job. I already HAVE a job. I’m a professional blogger with proven results! My new venture(s) haven’t started spinnning off income just yet but… as they say… IF YOU BUILD IT THEY WILL COME.

    That’s the advice I often hear given to kids who are graduating highschool or whatever. Too bad most people end up SETTLING for something they don’t LOVE but only are doing for the money. I hate doing something just for the money. If I’m not passionate about my work then it’s probably not the best work for me.

    All of this stuff came to me as I was enjoying a nice day yesterday in Old Fair Oaks village (after getting a haircut). I grabbed a vegan nut burger from Sunflower Drive-In and a soy latte from Java City on the main street. Then I went to my favorite nature spot at the American River which is right by the Fair Oaks village. It’s one of my favorite spots to go to in Sacramento area.

    See? He's got a job and can afford vegan nut burgers and soy lattes! Lay off him already or he'll bust some of that professional blogging stuff on your ass!

  • August 29: Watch Casey Work Live - That's today, on the PaintDrying Channel!

  • September 1: Labor Day - - a day for figuring out how to avoid labor:
    Before I can start making big impact I must master the skill of outsourcing and building a support organization below me so that I can focus on high leverage activities instead of getting bogged down by the the mundane and the routine.

  • September 2: Enough! -
    I’m going to do a little bit of a time-out here. Certain immature iditos who have been leaving comments on this blog have gotten on my nerves by going too far… and I don’t have time to babysit.

    I’m finalizing my free foreclosure ebook and will be releasing it any day, in time for the TV interview. Plus I have some urgent debt and tax issues I need to address and it’s taking a lot of my attention. I can’t afford to be distracted by non-sense.

    I refuse to allow negative people to keep me from achieving my dreams and pursuing my calling! Haters will have no power over me.

    What exactly is that calling?

  • September 3: Casey Serin Working Live Back On Air Today - Still workin on the eBook...

  • September 4: I INTEND To Work Every Day In Pursuit Of My Goals… - Hey, look! It's "The Secret"!
    my INTENTION (intentions are key!) is to be an early riser as well as work hard every day, ideally 9-5.

    But if I DON’T…

    So What?

    Next day I pick up where I left off and keep moving.

    There will even be days when I will work 12 hours straight because I’m inspired and in the right mood.

    As a self-employed entrepreneur I can choose to work any schedule I want… that’s freedom. However, I still must be productive or there will not be any sweet cashflow (passive or active).

  • September 5: Live On Australia’s #1 TV Show Tomorrow… Comments Enabled -
    The comments are off… I’m adjusting my online strategy right now to be more focused on achieving my objectives.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Goodbye #23

Casey sends out a long rambling note explaining his pump & dump, and promising to go offline for, like, an entire year. The entire thing can be read at, but here's a nice juicy excerpt:

Here is what happened:

#1. I've been consuming a lot of "alternative" media in the last 6-12 months.

My favorite is Alex Jones. I've been listening to his radio show daily. It's awesome! I've been waking up to a lot of things like the 911 truth, the (mostly) fake war on terror, our fiat money system, manipulation by the fed, the Builderburg Group, the plans for North American Union, etc. I even become a bit of an activist to get Ron Paul elected for president. He may be our last hope to get this country back to the constitutional roots.

However, too much of that stuff can put you in serious PANIC mode. Sometimes it feels like the world is about to collapse and The End Times are here. So I start thinking how I can protect myself and my loved ones financially (even if temporarily).

Well, there are better ways to "wake" people up than crazy mass emails.

It really helps his credibility in the conspiracy weenie community that he can't spell Bilderberg Group.

Millionaire by Christmas!

Casey returned to the Interwebs a few days ago with a long pump-n-dump email for his long held "successful" investment, GSPG (a penny gold mining stock.) He looks at the simple price history on this company - it was trading for over a dollar at one point, now it's in the 1.8 cent range, up from where he bought at 1/3 cent.

The question he doesn't seem to be able to ask is, how many shares were outstanding then versus now? This is a common problem people have when they don't understand stocks - thinking that a stock split means you have more money, or that all stocks at $1 are equally valued. I should see if he's willing to buy two $5 bills for $12, or I suppose more accurately, 25 shares worth 1.8 cents each for a dollar.

He ties it all together with a new website Millionaire by Christmas, which was only up briefly and is now on its third iteration of apologizing for the egregious pump-and-dump.

Below is the full text of his original email on the subject.

I've had some great guidance and I feel bad holding back what I know. I'm going to share with you but you must act quickly!

The FED is cutting the rates again tomorrow. Last Tuesday's history rate cut barely saved the markets from a major crash. Most people don't realize how bad things are. The dollar has been in a near free-fall for a while. All this printing of money out of thin air is only going to make it worse.

If you're not buying gold and silver and taking physical possession of it, you are doing your family a disservice. You don't want to be poor in a likely depression or hyper-inflation. Worse, if the dollar completely collapses, having some gold and silver coins on-hand for barter will be a life-saver.

Mining stocks is an even better way.

Specifically PENNY mining stocks that are set to explode. You can multiply your capital 10 or even a 100 times and will buy you A LOT MORE gold and silver to hide in your back yard.

But, unless you know what you're doing this is very risky! Remember how I rushed into real estate investing? Well, I've been blessed with some great advisors this time around. The advice has been dead-on for almost a year and I feel comfortable now to share with you.

The company is GoldSpring. The stock symbol is GSPG.

Since last April I'm up over 480%. I bought at 1/3 of a penny. Today it almost hit 2 cents. In the next day or two they're going to release a MAJOR report that shows you how much gold they have in the ground. I bought some more shares today ahead of the news.

Time is VERY short to make a killing.

The stock used to trade close to a dollar a couple of years ago. Then the company had some legal problems which tanked the price. They recently settled their issues and re-organized the management team. They're starting to explore and drill again.

Economic fundamentals are perfect.

The price of gold is breaking all-time highs at over $900/ounce. And it's still undervalued compared to the peak in the 80s. If you adjust it for inflation, it should be at like $2400.

The price of silver is an even better story. It's only at $16 when it really should be at like $50 just to keep instep with gold. It's definately a sleeper.

Watch Goldspring in the next days or two. If you research the company you will see they are sitting ontop of Comstock Lode. That's one of the biggest silver mines in America - located near Virginia City, Nevada. The new management team is good and starting to turn the company around.

In other words, the stars have aligned.

If you can grab a million shares GSPG today (about $20K), you may be a MILLIONAIRE by Christmas.

If you don't have a brokerage account, run to the local Scottrade office and open an account. You can start with just $100. If you're on the west coast, you have till 5PM to get the money in there for it to be available tomorrow morning.

Don't tell me I didn't warn you.

Really, a million bucks is not even a big deal anymore. Think about it - getting rich slow is pretty stupid when you account for inflation. Like a hamster in a wheel running in place.

That's why I can't sit around quietly anymore: We need to wake people up, trust GOD and GET RICH FAST to protect our families from the coming storm!!

My goal is to be a Millionaire By Christmas.

I plan to accomplish it through proper debt management / leveraging, and maybe some real estate deals, info products and other creative ideas... whatever it takes! The overall strategy is to raise capital and invest properly into precious metals and commodities.

GSPG is your first tip. Come along for the ride. We will learn a lot, have lots of fun and protect our loved ones!

By the way...

I'm kicking off my Millionaire by Christmas internet talkshow tonight at 6PM Pacific. The show will be on daily Monday through Friday. Every Friday I will be doing the show from the Capitol Garage Cafe at 1500 K Street, Sacramento, CA. Swing by and hang out.

The show will be an update of my progress for the day and me answering you calls. You will also hear from my advisers and partners from time to time.

Call in phone number is: (724) 444-7444, talkcast ID: 11982. Note you will need to create an account first at and choose a PIN. About 30 minutes after the show, it will be available for download.


I'm going to try to get my precious metal adviser join us tonight and/or tomorrow to give us an update on whats going on.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Come back, Syndicatered!

We miss you!

There are rumors that you're in Nepal. If so, have a great time - I went in '98 and it was an amazing place. I truly hope it refreshes your soul, and helps you realize that the path to success is through hard productive work rather than get rich quick schemes.

Speaking of which, if you are in the US tomorrow, check out Dr. Phil.

Casey will be on Dr. Phil!

Dr. Phil will feature Casey tomorrow, January 16. The show topic is "Get Rich Quick Schemes".

Next, Casey is only 24 but has already racked up $2.2 million in debt with rash real estate investing. He's been foreclosed on, receives calls from creditors, is considering bankruptcy, and recently, his wife handed him divorce papers. He's desperate to save his marriage, but is his wife willing to work things out?

Short answer: No.