Thursday, September 11, 2008

26 Years On Earth… 9/11 and Financial Truth… Million Dollarz… My Raw Birthday Post and Video… ENJOY! discussion

Um, wow. If I could cut this Tolstoyvian post down to a single juxtaposition of two quotes, it would be:

I’m a rationalist ENTP (plus an Artisan ESTP)… can’t you tell… look at all this analysis which Rationalists like to do. If you’ve been following me for a while you know I often refer to personality types as a way to help you (and me) understand why I do the things I do. Maybe I talk about it too much. Maybe I even use it as an excuse or a justification to excuse away things I don’t want to change. Perhaps. It’s all good within limit.


Loose Change, The Final Cut — the original viral video on 9/11 truth. A must see with lost of great information, facts, etc. Open your mind and pay attention. Be willing to change your paradigm on everything I know about what the US government and the media told you:

Because being a Rationalist means accepting every nutjob conspiracy theory out there?

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