Saturday, October 4, 2008

September Wrap-up

Casey finished up the month of September in Utah. We're a bit behind here at Shiteweasel Enterprises, so here's a summary:

Yes, I’m a Serial Entrepreneur, My Ventures and Deals - discussion
Casey details his manifold business successes.

So how does my “batting average” add up?

6 hits out of 15 16 at bats = 0.400 0.375 batting average! (I miscounted, thanks for correcting me in the comments)

Or as I like to say, 37.5% success rate!

I’m currently working on my next venture. I’m VERY excited about the possibilities.

Something is Cooking and It’s Not Good - discussion
More conspiracy theories.
Troops on US Homeland for “Crowd Control” Starting Oct 1st - for the first time ever, never mind that it violates Posse Comitatus Act.

Nice job spelling Posse Comitatus!

More Salt Lake City Trip Photos And Progress - discussion
In which he promises to starve himself to death:
I just finished day 13 of the Master Cleanse and I promised I will not stop until the ebook is complete.

I’m serious!

Problem is that I’ve been flip-flopping a lot, last couple of days on how exactly I’m going to name / brand / position it. The original draft was way too rough and needed a lot of re-writing and tightening.

Tavington is Doing a Master Cleanse! Some Tips… - discussion
Don't click it. Seriously.
About 15 to 30 minutes after drinking the salt water you may experience an urge to fart.


I made that mistake… Good thing I only had to throw away my underwear. My pants didn’t get too stained.

That's all you need to know. He's willing to soil himself to further his lunatic conspiracy health nut wackjob ideas.

Breaking The Fast, Helping Nigel Move, in Utah Indefinitely - discussion
We finish the month off with a boundless horizon of happy days in a Mormon Paradise:
In exchange for helping Nigel move he is letting me stay with him for as long as I need. That’s very nice of him. This is a great time for me to focus on launching my foreclosure help business. Plus Nigel understands internet marketing and real estate so he can help me with my new venture.

But I don’t want to stay too long and wear out my welcome. I also want to make it to the investor BBQ at GoldSpring on October 11th in Virginia City, NV. So I’m not sure how long I will be here, we’ll see. Sometimes I like to take life one day at a time.

Bolding added. I believe that's what we call foreshadowing.

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