Monday, December 17, 2007

Casey's Wishlist: How to Disappear

Link is to Casey's wish list. Highlights:

  • Bulletproof Privacy: How to Live Hidden, Happy and Free!
  • Hide Your Assets and Disappear: A Step-by-Step Guide to Vanishing Without a Trace
  • Acquiring New ID: How To Easily Use The Latest Technology To Drop Out, Start Over, And Get On With Your Life
  • New I.D. In America

Because I'm sure the banks have never thought of that.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Casey thinks a Job is Slavery

Nigel posts an email exchange with Casey. Beautiful stuff:

The slaves worked hard all day long and all they got was shelter and food. That's all the average person working an average job today is able to buy with their income. We're slaves to our jobs.

And then when we want a little something more than just shelter and food we have to go into debt. That puts us into an even deeper slavery.

The dollar is eroding away (inflation) at a much faster pace than our income is increasing and the rest of the money is taxed away.


I guess he missed the part where people working average jobs have air conditioning, plasma TVs, computers & the internet, cars, Starbucks & Jamba Juice, and Macaroni Grill.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Syndicatered: Credit "Repair" 101

Syndicatered is back online, and posts about the credit repair mechanisms he's mentioned before (paragraph breaks added):

So how exactly do you kick out one of these credit killers? Two techniques work, one is to kick out the legs of what made up the BK or Foreclosure, so say for instance you had 3 credit cards that were wiped off in your BK, these items are listed and reflected on your credit report as BK items. You dispute the 3 credit cards until you get them wiped off, its a matter of time and persistence and you can get pretty much anything knocked off, sometimes it just takes a little bit longer time. So if you get everything that made up the BK removed via the 30 day method, than how can the BK possibly stand if everything it represented cant be accounted for? Because they can't prove the validity of it anymore, they have to delete it whether you really had a BK or foreclosure or not, your just working the system and using your rights.

The second method is soo awesome, I love this, so when you get say a Foreclosure they lodge you in county records, depending on your city where you recieved the foreclosure or BK determines you may have a little bit different variation because of how your court system handles its paperwork. So your courthouse will either house your record in the court house in an offsite store place. There are only two people who are actually allowed access to your file, you and the clerk of courts. So lets say the credit bureau's want to verify that you have a file with them they call the clerk to access it. So how do you spin this?? You go and request your file and depending on where it is you may get it immediately or they have to send for it so it could be a day or two. When you have your file or the clerk of courts has your file waiting for you, the file is in limbo to other parties. So if the credit bureau goes to pull for your file, it comes up as file not found. The idea is to delay your file from being returned for as long as humanly possible, whatever bullshit you have to feed to keep your judgment from going back into the system.

The more he clarifies the method, the more shady it seems.

Is it ethical? I think so. The laws are there for me as a consumer and I for one am all about working the system in my favor. A lawyer can charge you a few grand to do that for you and get them removed or you can do it yourself with some deliberate effort. It's not easy and you have to keep good records. Is it wrong to answer no on a loan app to the have you ever had a BK or Foreclosure question? I'd say in that case your lying and breaking the law as it applies but good look on them even caring cause they can't prove it. So thats all there is to it.

Well, there are several reasons to think this is unethical if not illegal. First, we have the tragedy of the commons. Just as people who abuse antibiotics by "working the system in their favor" end up helping to create super-resistant bacteria that endanger everyone, people who abuse the bankruptcy system will end up killing it. The legislature will not stand idly by and allow people to do this.

Second, it appears from a quick Google search that in order to dispute an item on your credit report, you need to say that you believe the item is incorrect, and state your opinion as to the facts. So what do you say? "I never had these credit cards?" "I never filed for bankruptcy?" A simple fix for this would be to require that people who dispute credit items do so under penalty of perjury - as in "I certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge," and if you're lying, you can go to jail. I would be disappointed to learn that this isn't already the case.

Beyond the legal and ethical issues, there's just the practical issue of does this process actually work. He's saying that if you can't get a credit card record off you need to be persistant. This seems to mean that if you dispute a credit card, and the bureau gets proof it's valid, you just dispute it again. You would think that after the first few times this happened, the bureaus would learn that someone who disputes an item is likely to dispute other items or the same item again. They could easily have a file folder for you in which the simply place a copy of the proof for future reference. In fact, here's a quote from the FTC's web page How to Dispute Credit Report Errors (emphasis added):

Consumer reporting companies must investigate the items in question—usually within 30 days—unless they consider your dispute frivolous.

My guess is that the third time you request to have a legitimate credit card record removed from your report that they can just consider all further requests from you to be frivolous, and at least in Syndicatered's case they'd be correct.

Let me revisit some individual things he said:
So if you get everything that made up the BK removed via the 30 day method, than how can the BK possibly stand if everything it represented cant be accounted for?

I'd say the fact that there's a public record at a courthouse of your bankruptcy or foreclosure would mean they could keep it even if you manage to annoy them into removing credit card records.

so when you get say a Foreclosure they lodge you in county records, depending on your city where you recieved the foreclosure or BK determines you may have a little bit different variation because of how your court system handles its paperwork. So your courthouse will either house your record in the court house in an offsite store place. There are only two people who are actually allowed access to your file, you and the clerk of courts.

That's very interesting. Care to explain how any Joe Schmoe with an internet connection can get a link to, say, this document?

In case you don't want to click it, here's what it looks like:

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Final KoiCast Fireworks

Link is to a post on DontHateCasey concerning the "final" koicast. It's "final" only if Casey stays the heck off the internet, as M. Singh might say. For some reason the link to the actual talkcast is buried in his text, so here's a more obvious talkshoe link.

Apparently things were a little boring at first until the excrement hit the air circulation impeller. Here's a summary of events, pieced together with great help by soemdood of

Casey wrote to Nigel, and indicated that his "relationship with God is foremost."

LossMitPro called in for shites and giggles just to say that Casey lacks integrity. Shocking! In other news, Casey is doomed to failure because he lacks integrity, and um, Casey lacks integrity.

The real meat starts when Casey calls in. He's still praying for a reconciliation with his soon to be ex-wife. He's got a job now, apparently hawking some kind of naturopathic or homeopathic erectile dysfunction pill for men. $14/hour sweet active income.

Duane was on the line and acting all buddy buddy with Casey until Tracy (Nacho's Orion slave girl) called in and revealed that Duane sent Galina $1500 for lawyer's fees for the divorce, and also sent money for her to have a night out on the town with Annie and others. Duane absolutely delaminated at that comment, and dropped about 400 F-bombs.

There is now some speculation that Annie was involved in pushing Galina towards divorce, though I don't see how anybody could see that as a bad thing.

There, I just saved you 3 hours. You know you want to listen to it anyway...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Goodbye Casey, Again

Casey has scrubbed his EscapeMyHouse blog. The page is just a blank white slate in a web browser, but behind the scenes we see this:

<!-- blank page begin -->

<!-- blank page end -->

<!-- goodbye -->

Oh, don't worry. He'll be back for his next fix of publicity and sweet sweet humiliation arbitrage.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Two Casey Posts - Why RE, and more Seminar Silliness

Casey has posted twice:
Why the Real Estate Angle

My brand of blogging I think is unique. Why do I have so many haterz and all that. Because unlike other blogger I’m not afraid to speak from the heart and reveal everything (sometimes too much). Including my insecurities, concerns about gray area activities, etc.

If I was to put a term on my style I would call it:

“Passionate Blogging”.

I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

Going to a Short Sale Seminar
I’ll be curious what they’re teaching agents and how it’s different from what they teach at classes targeting investors / flippers. I’m kind of glad I’m not an agent. Doing short sales as a principal / private investor gives you much more control. But there are drawbacks.

I bet there are drawbacks. Hopefully they draw him all the way back to jail.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Good Title Agent...

Casey posts again at EscapeMyHouse, this time about the benefits of a good, shady, title agent. Main link is to EscapeMyHouse, here is a link.

Doing a short sale using my special system requires an especially good agent. I need one that can do a simultaneous closing and run preliminary title reports for free or for cheap…. amongst other things.

and from a comment:
Got a call from one of the jobs I applied for… its a web dev / blogging / marketing position. Can you say SWEET? Gonna go in for an interview tomorrow.

Let's just hope prospective employers have never heard of Google.

Response to syndicatered

From comments on a previous post, purportedly from syndicatered / Andrew G.:

Fact of the matter is I had never really gone into in depth what exactly it is I am dealing with aside from Commercial projects because I don't want more competition and it's pretty hard to believe and understand if you aren't dealing with it from 10 a.m. in the morning till 8 o clock at night Monday through Saturday. I expect nothing but skepticism from others. Kellene didn't lure me into a scam nor am I following Casey's path towards destruction. In fact I owe Mrs. Bishop all the thanks and love I have in my heart for introducing me and training me on something that is a very high paid career. Casey tried to make his money as an investor speculating, I am providing a commission based service where I only get paid for closings much like I did in the mortgage industry before this. Now the #'s are just massively larger and the deals are harder than you can imagine to close. Now lets go further into the future and assume the worst, I fail, I end up in foreclosure on 1 property that is on the beach with a million dollar view, not 6 properties in bad locations. So after everything was said and done I end up with a foreclosure on my credit that I can remove in a month from the credit bureau's never to bother me again.

John my sole reason for disabling comments is I don't allow negativity into my life. Fact of the matter is, overall, other people don't want to see others come up because it makes them reanalyze their own self worth.

While it is true that you only have one property foreclosed, which is a huge distinction between you and Casey. I don't recall properly (can't check with the LiveJournal down) did you live in the condo you bought? If so, that's kudos to you for having an owner occupied loan on a place you actually lived in.

However, here are some of the "shady" things I recall you saying you did/would do, again I can't verify them with the LiveJournal down:
  • Cashback at close. You talked about this as if buying a home was a profit generating event, something like "We spent the last of the proceeds from the condo purchase." Did the lenders know about your cashback?
  • You say you can erase a foreclosure from your credit history after one month. This seems shady if it's true, and pointless if it's not or it's temporary. This also doesn't mean you have the right to say "no" when asked on loan applications "have you had a foreclosure in the last five years", which will be a red flag with potential creditors.
In addition to some shadiness, you seem to have some other Casey like attributes, like buying a flashy car you can't afford (using money you borrowed to buy a condo?), having extravagant expenses for someone living in his parents' house, and generally believing that if you keep on keeping on that The Lord or The Universe or someone will drop a steaming pile of cash on your lap.

I understand you don't want negativity in your life, but think about what that ultimate negative feedback mechanism, pain, is useful for: If you touch a hot stove, the pain makes you recoil. If you could not feel pain, you might destroy your hand because you don't have that warning.

Negativity is something you should embrace to acheive balance. In terms you might understand, pure Yin or pure Yang are both unhealthy. If you do not know what is bad, how can you know what is good?

Changes at Syndicatered's request

In a recent post I noticed that syndicatered's live journal was shut down. In comments to that entry, he says that he shut it down because the number 1 Google result for his full name was the single word "shiteweasel":

Since he asked nicely, I've removed the label with his full name from the blog, but I've left his full name in where talking about his commercial ventures where his name appears on the website.

I can respect him wanting to keep his "syndicatered" journal separate from his real name, but his commercial venture is fair game.

I've also changed the name of the blog, I'm not sure if that's permanent or the right thing to do or not, but this way at least people don't have to use a swear word to link up the blog if they don't want to.

Check out his comments, it shows that he still really believes in Kellene Bishop's commercial lending program, even though he's (apparently) not closed a single deal and is living with his mom.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Excellent KoiCast

Nigel's emergency koicast yesterday had Casey, and lots of fecal ferret droppings.

Relevant links:

Casey left ForeclosureHelpBook because Damion got frustrated with all of Casey's flip flopping. They agreed that since Casey didn't get anything done, that he would eat his last two weeks salary, so Casey is short on cash.

Casey just went to a another seminar, which he viewed as a free way to network. Nigel asked him what a seminar has ever done for him, to which Casey said "Seminars have gotten me exactly where I am today." This apparently is a ringing endorsement in the Caseyverse. Casey also revealed that it is rare for him to go to a seminar and NOT buy something. This guy should change his name to Mark.

Casey is currently in Sacramento, looking for work. He got up at 8 AM yesterday and worked for eight hours before the koicast, but he can't remember what he did. Nigel says "You have a different definition of work than I do."

Honestly Wondering captured this exchange:
"do you see yourself as bound by your old promises?"

"that's a good question. I dunno. That's a tough question."

"what's your definition of 'promise'?"

"that's a loaded question. what's your point?"

"people don't think you've kept ANY of your promises."

"yeah, they have a point."

"why make promises if you don't intend to keep them?"

CASEY: "when they try to put me in a corner with a yes or no, I stick to my maybe"

Our hero also said that he would consider eating a bug for money, depending on species and amount of currency involved. Apparently he is living with his folks but still spends $200 per month at Whole Foods, so I'd imagine he's only willing to eat organic semi-vegan bugs.

He claims that he has an investment worth $5000 that he bought into for $3700, apparently a reference to GSPG. Also not revealed: Did he tell the bankruptcy attorney he's got assets like this?

So, all in all, same old song and dance, same old Casey. Maybe the IRS or FBI can slap some sense into him.

Syndicatered's LiveJournal Down

Looks like syndicatered has taken down his blog.

If you're reading this, Andrew, please know that we all wish you success. We just wish you realized that success involves avoiding being scammed, and doing something constructive besides meditating and believing you are special.

The Secret of The Secret is There Is No Secret.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Casey: Feeling Escape part deux

Link is to an archive thread at duplicating Casey's post and comments.

The post is almost entirely advice for how to start blogging.

Blogging too often or too much is an easy thing to fall into. Spending too much time on your “baby” blog can end up owning your life. I’ve even heard of ruined marriages from blog over-indulgence. We won’t name any names of course.

I personally think that you could get a better introduction to blogging from Gabe & Max's How To Get The Dreamlife Of Your Dreams Using The Internet.

Casey Comments at EscapeMyHouse

Link is to a thread at that duplicates Casey's Feeling Escape Part 1 post, his first at the EscapeMyHouse blog.

Since he has a history of deleting comments all the comments are archived there as well.

Some juicy ones:

Man… what a long day. Bankruptcy attorney meeting went great! I was only 10 minutes late. He is one of the best attorneys in sacramento and we connected well, even after I layed it all on the table.

Not sure what the monetization plan is quite yet but I do need some right now. I did not get paid for the last 2 weeks in Phoenix so I’m really short on cash. Barely made it here.

Damion is not a looser but a very good guy who took a risk on me. I was flip-flipping too much on his dime. Meaning just when I decided to do something I will change my mind. So not much work has been done. How would YOU feel paying somebody $1,000/week and seeing no results?

As for Bankruptcy, pretty much everybody, especially here in CA is lying on their mortgages, like with stated income, so that means you would have to throw out half of all the bankruptcy cases that come to court. Not realistic.

Something is still holding me back. When that happens I seek advice. Problem is I get different kinds of advice depending on who I talk to.

Conflicting advice = no clear advice = I do whatever seem right at the time = I second guess = I do the opposite = flip-flip-flip-flip-flip-FLOP

Those who followed me for a while know the story. The story of my life.

Working short sales and facilitating the deflating process is a good place to be. Especially if I can find somebody in town who can still do a double-close. Then i’m not putting up any money, just orchestrating and carrying out the escape plan and getting paid for it.

So that’s the method to the madness for the primary topic and my income strategy.

Secondary strategy is talk about HOW I do it and educate others to do the same - to become “escape artists” of sorts by helping others escape, AS WELL AS, escaping themselves out of debt, rat race, corruption, etc….

So, it’s all rolled into one. I’m escaping my own problems, helping others escape theirs, getting paid for it, teaching others how to do it and we’re all escaping together. One sweeeet escape!

I love that last one. He's right back to the sweet passive income ideas.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Escape to a Sovereign Life with Casey!

Casey's absence from the Caseyverse didn't last very long this time.

Now he's back with a blog about a blog!

Step 1. Get a free blog at

When signing up, don’t worry about the username or blog address. You will get your own domain in the next step. Go ahead, get a free blog. Do it now.

This was broken by Nigel on DHC:
I'm keeping my promises...

I've got a W-2 job...

I'm leaving the Internet...

I'm starting a new blog...

Cognitive dissonance much?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Highlight from the KoiCast

The only real news was that Nigel talked to Casey. Casey's still in Arizona, but had indicated he would have to go back to deal with his divorce situation. May go back to Sacramento next week. Koicast thread

The Koicast is currently happening (at this moment, somehow it's become a Sharkcast, with CHJTS grilling Nigel.)

The link is to the summary thread on CHC. Highlights to follow.

Other links:

Nigel's Post for today's KoiCast

Damion, meet Bus. Bus, this is Damion.

This verbose post on ForeclosureHelpBook says it all:

The Foreclosure Help Book project is on hold pending some staff changes and strategy adjustment. Feel free to contact us. Thanks!

So where did Casey vanish to?

Monday, November 5, 2007

Next Divorce Hearing November 26

Another Status Conference. This time it is noted that defense attorney is "PRO PER", meaning Casey is representing himself. Genius! a cookie cutter

The link is to a google search for "Trying to sell your home can be a nightmare" - note how many websites start off exactly the same way as Cashtruck.

Just like Andrew Guzik/syndicatered, it seems Damion Lupo was suckered in by some seminar he paid through the nose for and then given a simple cookie cutter web site I'm sure he was "guaranteed" to make him boatloads of money.

Do these people google before hand to see how many other competitors they have before they jump in?

Foreclosure Help Book, LLC

Arthur_W_Spittle digs up this bit of juiciness, the LLC information from the Arizona Corporation Commission.

Date of Taking Office: 10/29/2007
Last Updated: 10/30/2007

The LLC consists solely of Damion Lupo, so Casey owns zero percent of the enterprise. I suppose he's just a contractor. Then again, if he owned 50% of the LLC he probably would not be any better off - half of zero is still zero.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Nigel: Trainwreck Analysis

Nigel has a couple of big posts up at DontHateCasey, first off are all the comments from the previous thread in one place. Next, he's got a pretty long post analyzing the entire FHB trainwreck.

Saturday, November 3, 2007 - Damion's "We Buy Houses Fast" website

A previous business venture from Damion:

Dear Friend,
Trying to sell your home can be a Nightmare! But, after reading this Special Report, you may very well have a qualified buyer within the next 7 days... Denali Investment Group! While we can't promise you we will buy your house in the next 7 days, we can tell you we're constantly looking for and buying nice homes like yours from other folks in this area.
We are well qualified to buy your home, and very interested in doing just that. As you read this Report, you'll get a good, general idea of what we look for, and some answers to questions we're commonly asked.

Rewriting History

FHB has remodeled itself today. Comments have been completely eliminated, so pesky haterz don't drive away their 5 foreclosure clients. And, Lamborghini pictures have been removed, because, um, not helpful.

Oh, and those five clients? The "Help crew hard at work" post has been updated to say

(Update: we decided to focus on writing the book first. We no longer offer free evaluations at this time.)

And the feedback form is no more. Maybe a botnet did try to request 8 billion evaluations. That's a shame. Remember you heard it here first!

Unless you were inspired to take unlawful action, then, bad hacker. Bad!

Getting Ready To Start Considering Perhaps Starting To Almost Write Book

New post at FHB:

We’re getting ready to start writing the Foreclosure Help Book. It will be an “e-book” at first - a downloadable file (most likely a PDF) that you can receive instantly upon payment.

Thanks for the warning!

Getting ready to start writing. Getting ready! Preparing to get ready! Starting to think about preparing to get ready to consider starting to almost but not quite think about writing!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Casey Comments at DHC

Casey gets into a long involved conversation at DontHateCasey. Unfortunately, he later removes the comments, undoubtedly when Damion woke up and saw the verborrhea. Here is a CH.C link to read backups of the comments, and you can also find them reproduced in this comment by iamfacing at DHC. Highlights follow.

(On being "an anonymous official representative of the Foreclosure Help Crew":) said...

Thank you Mr. Funk for your assessment of the situation with this "3rd person talk".

We will take this into account as we plan our next public relations strategy.

Consideration will also be given to our prior promises, certain family members, the national audience of Dr. Phil, the "gray area", and the the relative return on investment of reverting back to "1st person" and aggressively pursuing "personality-driven Web 2.0 marketing" angle in order to raise the success rates of the traffic-increase efforts, in order to generate reasonable and acceptable amounts of profit from the honest and honorable endeavour of helping individuals who are facing foreclosure, with full intent of the aforementioned profits to be used to pay back "every dirty penny", making right on past wrongs, and creating a stream of passive income for the enjoyment of those who took the risks that the ordinary citizens were unwilling to take and thus will not partake of such blessings.

(Man... WE need to get some sleep! Long day. Getting delusional.)

His exchanges with Dolph are pure Casey:
Just staying up late because for some reason its hard to fall asleep tonight. The weather is nice in Scottsdale. Not too cold. Not too hot. A good amount of work has been done today. The crew doesn't feel like starting on tomorrows work. So the crew is looking for any open conversations to contribute too. And is trying a little to hard. Perhaps the crew has been behind the scenes for too long and is subconsciously longing to come back to the front stage. To get back to generating buzz and talking plainly in 1st person about life and business and whatever else comes to mind. However The Crew must stay discipline and stay the course. Until further notice, or a change of direction with mutual agreement by the partner in charge, or a flip-flop...whichever comes first. Good night Mr. Dolph.

Some teasers for future troll bait:
Tomorrow we plan to post a TODO list for ForeclosureHelpBook development. Both as it relates to the blog and the book.

Furthermore, we might even go as far as putting up a spreadsheet that tracks hours worked per day and by task.

That would serve as both accountability for The Crew and some visible progress for the observers.

Dolph tears into Casey:
Dolph said...

What's the point of a useless spreadsheet? Your history suggests you will either stop filling it in or take it down after two days.

Why not just prove to us you are helping folks? If I could see you are truly HELPING people without taking them to the cleaners, I'd make a pledge to stop 'hating' right now.

Now that doesn't mean I won't forgive you for bilking the system, but I can let bygones be bygones for now IF I thought you guys were A) Doing some good for others and B) Not taking people's equity or imposing harsh fees on them.

Multiple Personality Disorder sets in: said...

Also, please stop referring to US as "Casey".

Some actual useful information:
For example. We can say that Casey's 2006 taxes are still in the works. He had to pay his CPA $750 retainer to get those done. There was a lot of complexity with all the deals. Plus the CPA firm was concerned about Casey's ability to pay. As they are not unaware of his mess. So the deadline came and went but the taxes are still being worked on. It take a while for to get all the paperwork ready (I know I know, you can call it laziness, whatever).

The CPA is saying that most likely no taxes will be due because of all the losses. That means there will be no penalties for being late.
Casey DID make 2 quarterly tax payments in 2006 before running out of money. His CPA set him up on quarterlies in 2006 since he went full time real estate investor in Jan 06.

So the IRS did get some money out of him. Perhaps there may even be a refund.

And as far as we know (we're not CPAs) the IRS is not going to tax you if you have a net zero income. Doesn't matter if you made money. What counts is how much of it stays.
Sorry, lets correct that. IN the last post instead of "net zero income", we meant net zero "profit". There was definitely income for casey in 2006, however the losses were pretty monstrous. But I will let him tell you later once the taxes are done.
By "losses" we meant "business expenses" - meaning deductions off the income. I know you understand what I mean, just want to correct because there are many "detail guys" here.

Ah, "Business expenses." He means Jamba Juice and Macaroni Grill, and $300 cell phone bills.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Herding Cats

[UPDATE: This post was deleted from FHB. You can find a complete reproduction at CHC here If anyone knows a non-registration required link to a full copy, please comment.]

Damion posts a huge troll trying to rile up the haterz.

To those out there who only wish ill on Casey and are salivating at the thought of him exploding through fusion or being carted away to Club Fed, your dreams are going to be spoiled. Casey is alive, he’s kickin and he aint goin anywhere close to jailhouse rock. Casey is doing what almost nobody on the planet is doing including most of the idiotic haterz out there. He’s stepping up and taking responsibility. He’s working his ass off here at FHB and is not blaming anyone other than himself for the mess he’s in. He did in the past, talking about how the evil lenders wronged him etc…predatory lending…yada yada but those days are over…I believe in him and his commitment to make things right with all those who have been burned by his actions.

Of course, almost all haterz would love to see Casey step up and "succeed". A large portion of us started off as supporterz, giving him advice which would have helped him had he followed it. In just about every single case, after a certain number of times watching Casey ignore our advice and fail forward, we gave up on him.

But, if he truly does turn it around, I know at least I would fully support him.

So, go for it, Casey! Prove us wrong! I'll believe it when I see it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Foreclosure Help Crew Mad at Work

A new post on FHB, obviously written by Casey but attributed to "Foreclosure Help Crew", highlights the previously mentioned contact/evaluation forms.

Competitive Landscape for Syndicatered (aka Andrew Guzik)

Syndicatered's commercial lending "business" has a cookie cutter web template with a copyright notice on it: © Scott Bishop, 2006.

Note that Bishop is the last name of the guru he trained with, Kellene Bishop. Out of curiosity, I was wondering how many other people have used the cookie cutter to generate their own fabulous wealth generation opportunity.

According to Google, quite a few. Take a look, and see who your competition is.

Free Pre-Foreclosure Evaluation!

One of the links on FHB has been fleshed out into a "Pre-Foreclosure Evaluation Request Form". Translation: Come let us skim a little off of your tragedy by getting referral fees from real estate and/or loan companies.

This contact form looks pretty intricate, but it has no CAPTCHA. It'd be a shame if some botnet decided to request 8 billion different evaluations for $RANDOM_FIRSTNAME $RANDOM_LASTNAME.

In addition, the contact page now has an email form. Go ahead and say hi!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Swabcast: Anonymous Insider Tips!

Nigel Swaby hosted a talkcast tonight. Over at, a thrilling play by play thread followed the action.

At one point, an "official anonymous representative" called in, obviously Casey talking about himself in the third person. Because, you see, if he's pretending to not be online, he's not online! 15% success!

Major points of the talkcast include some pontification on whether the Fed will raise or lower rates, Utah politics, and other extremely boring subjects, interlaced with occasional nuggets from our favorite shiteweasel. Er, I mean, from an anonymous representative of our favorite shiteweasel.

According to Casey anonymous, the launch of ForeclosureHelpBook was not well thought out. That's the surprise of this young century! In addition, the flashy cars are troll bait, meant only to inflame the reactions of the haterz. Which is good, because Casey anonymous admits that nobody who's facing foreclosure actually visits FHB. But, enough haterz are commenting that they will outsource moderation to virtual assistants in India.

Bingo! Oh, sorry, I had five Caseyism in a row on my card, I'll redeem my prize later.

Apparently Casey is having "limited success" in improving himself, partially due to his perceived lack of Jamba Juices in Phoenix. A shortage of which Google Maps is blissfully unaware. Or perhaps it's just that, with no car, Casey can't get to Jamba Juice (and Damion won't take him on the way to work.) Buck up, little shiteweasel, you could ride your bike! It's gotta be easier than riding around Lake Tahoe.

Casey's apparently giving the Utah wrappers a "grace period". Due to Cashcall giving Casey an involuntary grace period, his FICO score now hovers at a dismal 501. That and his Google footprint has made him virtually unemployable.

In relationship news, Casey thought that his marital separation would be temporary. Now that divorce papers have been filed, at first he thought he would not file a response, but then he did. For those uninitiated in California divorce procedures, not filing a response means "OK, let the divorce happen just the way she wants." Filing a response means "Wait, I want more of the CD collection and permanent custody of Smushkins!" and generally drags the process on for some undetermined amount of time.

Foreclosure Reminds Me of the Time I Crashed My Porsche...

The latest post from Damion compares foreclosure to overcooking a corner in a sweet v-dubs Porsche.

It won’t be fun or stress free but it is our obligation to take personal responsibility and stop swerving all over the track of our lives trying to correct our path at 100mph. We need to slam the brakes on our dumb old patterns and habits, stop our out of control ship and then look out at where we really are. Only then can we have a chance at a future.

It’s one thing at time. The first thing to fix is us.

Would running around in Porsches and Lamborghinis and stocking the conference rooms with San Pellegrino count as stopping to look around?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Big Launch! Woohoo!

So the official launch day is here (a day late), and brings a rambling post by Damion.

It's so boring, that my only response is to post a boring post in return.

Chicken breasts
Canned Tomatoes

There, that's the shopping list for today.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Blog "Redesign" & Flash Game

The site has been "redesigned as boasted about by Casey in this comment:

Talk about massive focused action… check out the changes to the blog design. Big thanks to our graphic person for the header image and our flash person and cartoon person for the sweet foreclosure casino game. Of course I had to use my mad HTML and CSS skillz to integrate it all and make it look right. (And a little bit of management skillz to coordinate all the staff)

The amazing redesign results in such spectacular all caps navigation links as BLOG and THE BOOK and STOP FORECLOSURE, all of which lead to a fascinating "Coming Soon" page. All he's missing is 1995's de rigeur icon for such pages. [ed. note: Horrible seizure inducing animation omitted for your safety. This is the 21st century now.]

But the best part is the Foreclosure Help Book Online Game! Now how much would you pay out of your impossibly debt encumbered foreclosed-upon budget for Casey's stellar advice?

Casey "Decides" to Go Silent; Flip Flops Again

First, Casey emails Nigel and says he's not going to be blogging anymore.

Nigel, wanted to follow up on this. We recently decided to modify my involvement with FHB. I'm going to move away from blogging and publicity and focus on IT / book / online marketing instead.

Then, he reconsiders in comments to that same blog post:
Man I hate, HATE making conflicting promises. That has been the story of my life and it sucks.

He also spanks Nigel for "sharing private email", as if he didn't want to leak the email all along.

In comments on, he reiterates the promise to reconsider reconsidering flip flopping on his flip flop and potentially leverage his flopping flipperhood towards blogging once more.

Thanks guys for the positive feedback and asking me to get back to blogging. You guys catch on pretty quick. I shouldn’t be suprised. Last 12 months gave me a lesson on keeping secrets from an eager and investigative crowd. Anyway, Damion and I are meeting tonight about roles and good stuff like that. Will try to finilize our course modification.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Get Ready: Thursday is the Day!

Damion writes:

Get ready for some fun, Thursday is the big launch for the site!

However, the main point of the post seems to be to pontificate on economic policy:
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke dropped rates and the big three (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and Citi) announced a super $100,000,000,000 rescue fund. The crazy thing is they are setting this fund up to rescue themselves from this mess. Instead of letting the bad loans be written off, the bad assets foreclosed on, they are trying to protect themselves from their SIV’s (Structured Investment Vehicles) reckless activities so they can keep their profits high and asset prices artificially inflated. These banks wanted to jump into the subprime party so they did what Enron did, they set up off balance sheet conduits (entities), to go out and make them a bunch of money on the high profit sub prime loans without having the liabilities on their books. This was great for their share prices and earnings reports…at least for a while. Meanwhile people all over the place are getting crushed with debt they can’t pay. President Bush proposes some new rules to help people out of their jam with the IRS after a foreclosure but that only applies to a few people and doesn’t help most.

But most shockingly, he appears to want to take responsibility for his own mistakes. Let's see if he has better success than Casey in that regard:
I took a risk and invested over $1.150 Million dollars into this house building it and the market turned. It’s currently listed on the MLS for $799,000 and there is virtually zero interest. Shit happens. I personally signed on the debt so my credit is getting turned into hammered dog crap. There are many places I could point fingers, ex-partner that ran the construction, moronic draftsman that designed a very strange house, foolish Realtor who insisted the house was worth $1.2-1.3 and we should do lots and lots of upgrades…the list goes on and on. The only problem is that’s all wrong. At the end of the day I, ME, the face in the mirror, made the call and signed the papers to buy the property and build the house. I could have said no but I bet that it would work. I bet and I lost. Now I’m going to face the consequences. I’m not looking to the federal government for a bail out. I’m looking to ME for a bailout.

Portrait of Philanthropy Inaction

Damion comments:

Part of the proceeds from the Foreclosure Help Book are going to be put into a fund to help people in this type of situation.

I can't wait to see how many poor families are helped by this portion of the proceeds from the megabestseller.

Divorce Proceeding

Today was a "Status Conference" in the Serin v. Serin divorce case. This may explain the silence over at ForeclosureHelpBook.

Let us all hope that his long suffering wife rids herself of the stain.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Damion Comments - Lost $1.2 Million on a Deal

Damion comments:

The apartment investment was a terrific flop. I’ll talk more about that soon. It cost me over $1,200,000. Even after making several million dollars in the single family house business this mistake hurt a good bit.

So he's made several million dollars in single family homes, that's great! How could he possibly have any debt left?

The book rights to Foreclosure Help Book are owned solely by Foreclosure Help Book LLC. Any previous book concepts or ideas Casey was working on do not relate to this book. It’s my understanding that the old book issues have been resolved. Casey stepped up and took care of this himself.

Well, that's a relief. It's not like Casey has ever said something was "taken care of" only to be found later to be, um, full of koi.

[In response to Arthur Wankspittle's question “What are you expecting to get out of employing Casey?”]

hukkllllllllghghfdjjcyftvyjk fewdyfjhgvsetfkwyukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Huh? Sorry, I passed out from reading something so amazingly clueless, what was ita;lsdjfuifaerFerhnubhsdfgkj

Crap, it happened again. I'd better stop reading.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Damion Lupo Speaks

Casey's business partner posts on

I’m Damion Lupo, the other side of this blog and the real world experience that brings a new level of credibility to our words of advice, analysis and encouragement to our readers, those in foreclosure and those just looking for some reality in the media circus that spins just about everything these days.
Casey and I are learning from each other and as a team, along with the rest of the folks in this organization we’re going to do what we’ve set out to do, promote the new book Foreclosure Help Book, help the tens of thousands of people in foreclosure right now and eliminate our own debts through honorable transactions that are fair for all involved.

He seems to be somewhat intelligent from his post. One has to wonder, then: What the heck is he doing working with a proven flake like Casey? Anyone with any intelligence should see that Casey is bad juju. The deal cannot help but fail. If it does even remotely succeed, then there are at least two other parties who already "own the rights" and will sue the living bejeezus out of them. I'm baffled.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Mystery Woman - "Jenny"?

Here is an adjusted version of a photo from the ForeclosureHelpBook photostream. Click the image or the main link line for a larger version.
Mystery Woman

[photo was marked, private in Flickr, sorry about that]

It's good to see that even with crushingly huge debtloads they can afford San Pellegrino and Lamborghini rentals.

Casey "Explains" Missing Posts/Comments

In a pair of comments at, Casey writes:

I started to compromise so certain posts and comments have been removed. Part of the process we’re going through is figuring all this stuff out: policies for blogging, topics to cover and topics to stay away from, tolerances for certain things, etc.

The policy on comments and posts:

Nothing about marriage or too personal or hateful.

I don’t want any more “gray area” on my promises. I’m either keeping them or I’m not. I justify and split hairs too much. Enough said.

Next post will be by Damion and he might address some of the questions / concerns including all this silly stuff about having lack of credibility to help people, etc.

Yes. Silly. Of course you're capable of helping people! I'm sorry, I guess the fact that you've already sold the book rights twice and are working on the third time, and have never come up with anything but pie-in-the-sky schemes and that you constantly fall for the latest internet scam to come down the pike was clouding my view.

Let's see how you could help people - this could be your table of contents:
  • Chapter 1: How to use overpriced gold coins to avoid foreclosure
  • Chapter 2: How to use a corporation to borrow even more money, and then flush that new money on Macaroni Grill and Jamba Juice and overdraft charges
  • Chapter 3: Rule #1 of holes: When you're in one, keep digging!
  • Chapter 4: How to change your name so you can get a brand new credit history! Because banks have never thought of this.

I only stopped because I got bored, how many more chapters could we come up with?

Divorce Case Proceeds

The link is to a Yolo County Court website calendar listing:

DateTimeDeptNameCase #Hearing Type

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Business Plan

From the second photo in that previous post, the "business plan" as best I can read it. Words I'm not sure of are in [] (except [sic] of course), words I'm assuming are off the edge of the photo are in {}.

Foreclosure Help Book - Business Plan

[Outline] to come soon, [for now] how about some quick notes / brain dump:


Goal for blog

Be top position for the term "Foreclosure Help" in all the [engines]

Goal for book

Be best seller in some category on Amazon or even better [be #1] bestseller on New York {Times bestseller list}

Book Marketing

One liner:

"The Complete No-Non-Sense Foreclosure Survival Book"

other ideas: maybe put something about "illustrated" in there? Referring to the {...}

Customer Benefits

Bullets we can put on the book, website, and other pieces. Benefit [selling] is {...} for me?"
  • Stop or avoid foreclosure
  • Save Your Home
  • What to do if you you [sic] can't save your home
  • How to sell your home fast, as-is
  • Save your credit
  • Avoid (or learn about?) bankruptcy

Possible TODOs:

  • Read Timothy Ferris' blog and blogs about his success in mark{eting...}
  • Look at successful competition and evaluate strengths, weak{nesses...}
  • research market and demographic to see what they want, {...}

Celebrity brokers?

Contact a celebrity for endorsement, directly or through broke{r...}

Credibility Indicators

Media, testimonials, endorsements, BBB / association {...}

Contact people like Robert Kioysaki [sic] and other contact {...}

Risk-free Gurantee [sic!]

{...}policy but actually Giv{e...}

Help Casey Plan His Mission!

This is a great opportunity for all of you to get in on the ground floor of yet another round of planning something that is guranteed [sic] to never happen!

In a new post, our favorite shiteweasel posts pictures of himself and the too large watchband of his partner Damion at - where else? - Macaroni Grill. The post itself makes me feel as if I'm watching the Little Engine that Could attempt to cross the ocean. Hint: The Little Engine that Could thought he could climb a railroad line because he was a train locomotive. He didn't try build a rocket.


Things have been a little slow here as we’re still planning our next move. It’s also nice not having to deal with too much traffic or comments at this early stage. We’ve been holding back on a formal announcement to a list of over 8,000 people.

Translation: We're going to spam Casey's family, friends, and acquaintances once again and see how many are interested in watching a fourth (or is it fifth? I've lost count) train wreck.

On being just a foreclosure resource rather than a fix your credit/file bankruptcy/cook a gourmet meal resource:
There’s something about giving you the exact information at the exact time you need it. No more, no less. “Stop foreclosure and keep your home”… or “stop foreclosure and sell your home fast”. (Most people in foreclosure try to keep it first and then realize they can’t afford the home to begin with.)

Oooh! Let me have a crack at it! How to stop foreclosure and keep your house: Make the loan payments. Wow, that was easy!
We’re kicking around the idea of having a logo and theme contest. The winning logo / theme will be incorporated into this blog, the book and all our promotional materials.

Gentlemen, start your sarcastic Photoshop filters!

[edited to add:]It has been noted that the timestamp on the photos is September 5, so the entire email "I'm not coming back" drama was BS.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Cracks Appear in the Partnership

In the latest post on, Casey indicates that once again he's flip-flopping on his partner.

Ok, so yesterday I talked with Damion and he got pretty pissed. I made the last post without getting it reviewed by him. Especially when I said I’m gonna shut the blog down!

Damion has been very instrumental in keeping me accountable and focused. I’m very blessed to have this opportunity. He has been very patient with me.

But also direct. He made it clear that he cannot continue putting up with my crap.

I believe that in literature this is called foreshadowing.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Dr. Phil, & Another Abortive Attempt to Stop Blogging

Casey describes his visit to Dr. Phil's studio, and engages in some class A rationalization in a new lengthy post.

In addition he decides to stop blogging to "keep his promise" to his completely estranged soon-to-be-ex-wife.

The blog portion of this site is most likely going to come down in the next day or two. At least the personal stuff will. I’m not accepting any more comments. Sorry.
On the bright side, though:
If [Galina] does [come back to Casey], Dr Phil offered to provide counseling for us. Pretty sweet!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Divorce, and Dr. Phil: DEAL!

Nigel comments that Casey did Dr. Phil after all.

Casey expounds at length on the process, in a post that has since been deleted:

On Saturday I did a whole day of field taping for the Dr. Phil show. I’m pretty used to the drill by now. All the practice in the past. I think this segment will be the best one yet.

On Wednesday I’m going into the studio. I’m excited. My first studio experience! (Well, except Suzi Orman, but it was a remote call-in studio). The show will air in a few weeks.

But he's burying the lede:

Lets go back a few days. I found out from my parents that I got served divorce paperwork.
This is it. I am getting divorced. Man, do I hate the sound of it. Sounds so foreign. We had such a great start. We both believed in “till death do us part”. Is this really happening to me?

Accepting reality is tough sometimes. My emotions did a number on me last couple of days. I started thinking about anything I can do. Anything to get her back.

Accepting reality is tough? How exactly would you know that? My absolute favorite line is the first one here:
But how am I going to pay off my $500K of defaulted debt with a JOB?

Doing the foreclosure book / blog (and related services) is still my best opportunity to accomplish that. Especially now that I have Damion Lupo as my partner.

My rhetorical question would be, how am I going to pay off this debt WITHOUT a JOB? Once again, income is "limiting". Because actual income is a concrete number, not having income means you have unlimited "potential income".

Later, in a comment on that same thread, he whines:
Man, I still wonder if being back online is a huge mistake. I couldn’t sleep last night, thinking about it.

I know she’s giving me a clear sign that its over. But if we were still together she wouldn’t want me back online. She doesn’t want any of this publicity and wants to live a quiet life.

What if she is just testing me to see if I’m willing to REALLY give all this stuff up for her?

Because I’m definitely willing. Before I wasn’t. Now I am. So maybe I’m shooting myself in the foot by coming back.

This is insane!

That’s OK, I’ll ask Dr. Phil about this. Hopefully he will give me some direct advice.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Casey Returns to Blogging -

Note that the previous posts were written in hindsight, so no credit to us for predicting this, but, he's back.

Apparently up to almost the same exact thing he was with his Foreclosure Code buddy, he's working on a book to help people (and make millions of dollars.)

Nigel confirms that it's really Casey behind this site. Guess all that talk about living up to promises was so much hot air, as usual.

Welcome back to the Caseyverse!

Casey Follow Up

Casey issues a follow-up to the previous email. At least he's not coming back to blogging!

Some may argue that this "final statement" is itself a breach of my promise. I said I will not be back online right?

Maybe so. But hey at least I'm not going back and blogging. So if I have to do this to get the last bit of "publicity" out of my system and go away for good, so be it.

Casey Serin Update

After nearly two months without hearing any updates on Casey Serin, I was starting to worry that we'd never find out how the story would end. Fortunately, it seems like we'll get to watch the rest of the trainwreck after all.

Keith over at HousingPANIC posts an email from Casey Serin. He claims he's not going to return to blogging, so we know he will.


I'm working a stable consulting job for an experienced entrepreneur. Consulting is a generic term which means I'm doing whatever needs to be done. The best part is I have a slice of ownership in the venture.
Turning down the Dr. Phil show recently was a very tough one! I have to remember that it was the online/media over-exposure that was the "last straw" in my marriage breakup, amongst many other things.
In the end it was much more harm than good. Loosing my wife that is.

Having said that... I'm not giving up on my dreams of financial success. God gave me those desires for a reason. Instead I am even more determined to pursue it but in a safer way - even if takes longer. Biggest thing is I must put my loved ones first. For it is because of them, my family and friends, that I want to become financially independent. I'm looking forward to that day when I can share my abundance with them.
Anyway... this is the last the online world will hear from me for a long long time. All in all, the past year has been some of the craziest times of my life. That's for sure. I thank both the haterz and the supporterz. Everybody played a role.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Syndicatered Hits the Wall

Looks like his estimate of time remaining was a little generous. here we are before October has hit, and he's out of cash.

So on money matters, we exhausted the last of the $ we had from the condo purchase back in December and the rest of the $ from my last paychecks back in March.
Hasn't had a job in six months, and considers cashback at close to be operating expenses. He's everything Casey wishes he were.

If I were to max out my credit cards, I could pull out $15,813.41 with some kickass interest rates of a mere 19.99% on all of them for cash advances. It's really interesting to me to see how much I've grown since I graduated college in the sense that money really used to mess my world up with worrying, stress, and anxiety my entire life because thats what I was taught by my parents. Now that I have set myself on a given path with full understanding and determination to make it a reality whatever the cost I have found myself not stressed, worried or anxious at all because one,I made the decision six months ago to this path and two because change is inevitable in the universe. Without the acceptance of change I am stuck to follow the path of everyone before me who's never given themselves the chance to really do and accomplish what they want in life. So rather than pull the cash from my credit cards I applied for an unsecured loan with Bank of America, one of the banking entities that I have been fucked over by in the past for over $1200. So in my time of need, BOA stepped up 100% off my credit score and gave me a $50,000 personal loan.
Note to self: Short BofA. But damn, I wish I could borrow money at "only" 19.99% interest. I mean, that's practically free! I wish my mortgage were that low.
Work is going. That's all I can really say for it. We are so close to some really big things we have been working on for a while and they should finally start paying off soon. 6 months, no money, and overwhelming sums of it just out of fingertip reach. On the plus I really have internalized what it is that I am a part of and it shows to everyone I talk to on the phone. People absolutely love dealing with our company because myself and two partners always make people laugh and enjoy themselves in an otherwise tense and stressful work capacity.
I love this. We're tantalizingly close to closing 12 trillion dollars in commercial loans. If only we can borrow another $50,000 to burn through in the next six months, I'm sure we'll make $500 million in commissions.

Oh, and they're not laughing with you.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Pass the Hookah

Syndicatered has been smoking the serious stuff.

So between the last time I wrote and now we have taken on a third business partner who is now a part of our company and we have I think some 21 trillion dollars in business we are dealing with finding a home for. Yes trillion. That does not include the commercial properties we are working with. Out of that 21 trillion we already have buyers lined up for at least 17 trillion of it. I am moving up my personal goals to making $500 million before Christmas, thats personal $ separate from my other two business partners.
Wow, pass the hookah! I wonder what the GDP of the US is? Well, according to the CIA world factbook, it's about 13 trillion. The national debt? Something like 9 trillion. This guy is going to "place" well in excess of the national debt and the GDP of the largest nation on earth.

Some simple skepticism would serve this guy well. "Gee, is it realistic that a single client of some shady commercial loan guru could learn in a single weekend how to loan out more money than the US has borrowed in the last 50 years?"
The best piece of wisdom I have come across in my life was to position myself where the most amount of $ flows through and open your arms to it.

I need a new car, so I went walking on the freeway with my arms wide. Instead of a new car, I got arrested! Cop said I was lucky I wasn't killed. So I guess that's not the right answer for cars. Must work for cash, though.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Casey's "Final" Haterzcast Emails

Casey Has Jumped The Shark posted (on an email conversation with Casey in preparation for the final Haterzcast. Here are two emails he says Casey wrote:

I talked with my wife about the hater cast. First talking with my wife is a very rare occasion and very painful, but when I finally got her to give me some feedback she said if i do go on I should do NO SPINNING though she highly doubts I will be able to do that.

So I propose to have the first/last NO-SPIN cast. I know I know...
IS THAT POSSIBLE? Well since I will be in "hater territory" and will not have mute ability I will be forced to answer some tough questions. However, if people are being unreasonable or I simply don't want to talk about it I want to be able to skip it. however, if I DO answer I am NOT allowed to SPIN anything. I will do my best. I have nothing to lose. The blog is gone, I don't care about any "story" anymore.

Here are the subjects I want to address:

  • how much I sold the blog for
  • how I waffled about what I'm going to do with the money and how I started to consider shiny things instead of following through my promise
  • how I came to my sense and decided to do the right things with the money
  • how I started to waffle AGAIN
  • what is the status of the money now
  • what is the status on paying off G's cards
  • what happend to traffic ticket
  • what happend to my deal with Mark and attorney fees its costing me
  • what is happening with FBI and criminal defense
  • what is my plan for employment
  • what is my plan for business, etc...
  • address the page marriage issues as truthfully as possible
Answer any other questions.

KEEP IN MIND ABOUT DUANE: I DO NOT want to talk to that guy. I dont' care if he listens to the cast but I will not talk to him. I have ZERO respect for him and will not waste any energy on him.

Let me know

Casey Serin

Other things I will have to cover by the request of my wife and also because I should set the record straight in light of the no-spin cast:
  • I am a lier and manipulator (not outright lies but often half-truths)
  • I trick myself into thinking gray is OK. There is definitely gray areas out there but not as much as I'd like to think and I should always stay on the white as much as possible.
  • I have been wanting to divorce on and off for the first 2 years of marriage but have been too chicken to do it myself. Through my behavior I left Galina a long time ago. I guess I left her as soon as we got married. I left her for my business and my financial goals and other goals.
  • I was pressuring her during Australia trip to go ahead and get a separation or a divorce because I wanted to be able to change my name without getting her permission. The reason for the name change is a new "shiny object" - there is a way to get a brand new credit file by changing my name and doing a few other things, which I was told are not illegal but sure sound "gray".
  • I am a big hypocrite when I use bible quotes or make spiritual references making it seem like I have it all together with God but when I am often living in sin by trampling on my own marriage with my separatist attitude.
  • The last post where I wrote a message to my wife, although started out as no-spin and genuine, still turned into a spin and besides if it was truly a message to my wife I should not have posted it publicly

Man, that's a lot of hard stuff to admit but I have to start somewhere. So on the talkcast I can talk about each statement.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Final Sharkcast Summaries

Link to all sharkcasts
Over on, many listeners "live blogged" the call. Some highlights:

  • The name Hammar was chosen because it sounded Iraqi
  • Casey took some of his borrowed money and invested in gold mines and in "rare" gold coins - 3 coins at $1000 per.
  • He got the idea to do the corporation thing from "people on the internet". No word if he also is rescuing a Nigerian widow from certain poverty.
  • Before finally deciding to use most of the $50,000 from selling the blog to pay off Galina's credit cards, he talks about using the cash to get a "collateral loan" to launch more pie-in-the-sky investment ideas.
  • Talked about the "date" he had while he was on a break from Galina in summer '06
  • Talks about changing his name, apparently so he can have a fresh credit history. Because banks and credit agencies haven't thought of that loophole.
  • The Australia trip started to go south [sorry, couldn't resist] when his host failed to inform the host's fiancee about the extended visit.
  • Doing traffic school for the speeding ticket
  • The Canadian supporterz is angry that Casey shut down after taking the $1000 for Australia
  • Wants to buy Galina a car so he can have sweet vdubs

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Duane: For Once, Be a Man, Casey!

The link is to Duane's "guest post" on Exurban Nation, in which Duane tears into Casey.
Among other allegations, Duane suggests that Casey frittered away Hammar Investments credit, and that Duane has a copy of every single document that Casey had (tax forms, loan docs, etc.)

Duane Spills the Beans

Over on, Duane begins to spill the whole saga. Note the slipping between third person and first person, such as

She did not want her parents to continue to spend more money paying for me to just "explore."

Here are links to the individual Duane posts with excerpts so you can skip over all the noisy comments from others. Note that each link is to, and you'll need a login there to read the full post.

Casey did not express disappointment with her before the wedding except for two times. Once, he got upset with her for not taking the exercise routine he made for them seriously enough. G would work out with him, but did not always follow his every training command. He wanted to be her fitness trainer, but she just wanted to work out in her own way. For some reason, that really ticked him off. The second time, he took her out and brought himself to tell her that it bothered him that she gained 4 1/2 pounds since she got a new job.
Wedding & Honeymoon
At one point, he dropped in spirit and expressed thoughts of regret regarding the marriage he had just entered into a few days earlier. He was having second thoughts and said that marrying HER MAY have been a MISTAKE. Think about this… on your honeymoon, the guy gets cold feet… sound familiar – CONTRACT!!!
Gift Money
When they got back to Sacramento they went straight to the bank because apparently Casey’s bank account was in several hundred dollars negative. G still had her separate account, this account was not yet joined. He started telling her that the account is negative and he needs around $700 to bring it to positive. He said that he needs to use the wedding gift money for that.
Dipping into the credit cards
Casey would work on consulting projects here and there, but they weren't quite making it with the bills. They would visit the mail box often looking for "the check." For some reason several checks would either “get lost” and would have to be “resent” to them or they would take weeks to make it to their address.
The debt snowballs
She called her mom one night and shared with her the amount of their debt. When she hung up the phone, Casey WAS MAD and told her that he did not like her sharing their financial problems with their parents, that “we should deal with this on our own and not talk to others about it.”
Business Partners
Like when I kept wanting to set up a business plan on paper, he'd get irritated and say that his business plan is in his head and what's the point of setting up a business plan if you don't know what kind of opportunity would come up next month.” She felt pushed out, so she would back off a bit, and then he'd complain that “I'm not involved enough, so I'd try to get more involved, then he'd hold back, and push me out, and I'd back off again because I HATE the feeling of being a burden and being in someone's space when I'm not welcome, and it would go on for the entire 3 years like this.
More marriage regrets
Casey kept saying that G was the wrong personality for him, G was TOO "safe", too careful, not a risk taker enough, too fat, not sexy enough, not a go-getter, not into finances enough, not health food oriented enough, too quiet, not talkative enough, G’s hair was not dramatic enough, and then when G tried to change her hair, “then my hair was too short....etc... that basically there was something deeply wrong with me being the way I was. And I BELIEVED him! I genuinely thought I was born the wrong way, and I kept trying to meet his needs this whole time. “
Getting a job
At that time we were already planning to move to Roseville. Casey got the job in Roseville as a programmer paying $50K per year.
Galina gets a job
I worked there for a couple months until I was offered a position paying $4 more per hour, so I obviously took it and started the new job at the end of November 2005. I was making $15 per hour at the new job and casey started talking about living just on my income so that he could quit his job to work the business. I did not feel comfortable with was a new job, who knows how stable it would be.
Casey considers leaving
During that summer, he started talking about leaving. He said this marriage may have been a mistake, he just does not want to be tied up, he wants to be free to just get up and go do his thing without having to think about another person.
Lonely in Marriage
I was married but unloved. I wanted so desperately to be important to him, but he just never seemed to care much, or to deeply connect much.
Duane also alleges that Casey went on a 5 week "break" from the marriage and had at least two "dates" 1.5 years ago

Friday, July 27, 2007

ABC News Story: Housing Bubble

Nightline/ABC News has a story on Casey.

"My first set of seminars was $15,000," he said. He was hooked, eventually spending nearly $35,000 on what he calls his real estate education.

"I kept spending because I thought, 'I need more education,'" Serin said.
He didn't think it was illegal because, as he put it, "I just thought as long as it was a win-win deal, it was all good."

A Haterz at the Fraudcast regular and genuinely awesome haterz Elizabeth describes her visit to the fraudcast [CHC registration required]


Quick impressions: Casey spent a lot of time sizing me up, and trying to spin the story. I didn't buy much of it, so he moved onto spinning with the two women he'd talked to. He does miss Galina, and the missing is genuine, but whether it's a deep longing or a vague "I miss my childhood cat Binky" kind of feeling is hard to gauge.
Casey has a really strange view of business, as it turns out. He claims he tries to judge a person by their character, and signs contracts based on his gut feeling rather than reading what's on the paper. If an "agreement" has been reached, then it doesn't matter what the legal document says, because it can be then "worked through."

Recommended reading.

Anyone Believe Him?

Exurban Nation coverage of the latest Casey post:

BS. Anybody who can afford an accountant, two marriage counselors and FOUR attorneys has so much money that they don't have Casey's problems

Monday, July 23, 2007

Norway Would Be a Sweet Place to Visit

In this obvious paid post, Casey waxes on about how sweet it would be to visit Norway. The real gem comes in the comments, though, when he responds to a post about peak oil:

I was starting to buy into it and even started looking into honing my surviving / fishing / farming skills. But then I talked to someone who is involved in funding $700 million for a cold-fusion type of battery-thingy that basically never runs out of energy. ... (It’s sweet to have access to these types of connections.)
At least he has consistent disdain for both mortgage laws and physical laws. Thermodynamics be damned!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Truth in Lending Expert

Casey is a victim! That's right, those predatory lenders forced him to borrow millions of dollars through fraudulent applications.

Comments run universally against him, and he backpedals furiously. Classic Casey.

Friday, July 20, 2007

An Urgent Appointment

Serinitis reports from his meeting with Casey:

Casey said he had collected about $500 in donations Mostly in small denominations

Casey had saved $2-$3000 from the advertising and that is where he got the money for the lawyer

The reason for shutting down the blog is his wife. She however is not speaking to him.
His family relations are fine. I am poor at reading body language but there was something a little off in his answer.

The person offering him the job is doing development in Costa Rica. His trip to Phoenix was not related to NRU.

The lawyer is handling the issues with Mark. He is getting the rights to his story back. With the lawyer in place, Casey is going into LMR ignore mode.