Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Casey moves out

truecasey.com - caseyhaterz.com discussion

A shockingly brief post from our favorite bloviator.

Corporate taxes show $0 income. Still had to pay $800 minimum California tax. Plus $59 penalty for failure to send estimated tax earlier in the year.

After picking up the corporate return from my CPA in Roseville and paying $200 for his services, I rushed to the post office and made the extension deadline with just minutes to spare. That was close!

I fail to believe he did something on time.

After reminding us we should all own gold because the economy will collapse at any minute, he drops this nugget:
Oh, yeah today is my last day at my parents house!

Moving into a hotel tonight. Need my own space in order to keep moving forward.

I wonder how long he can afford to live in a hotel on his current income of $0.

He's also got some 26th birthday photos on flickr.

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