Saturday, September 6, 2008

He's back...

Stop! Collaborate and listen. Casey's back with a brand new invention!

That's right, our favorite shiteweasel of all time is back, he's drinking a wheatgrass shot a day, and he's working on some massive focused action to "launch his new ventures".

His blog has a weird one post per page format. Perhaps it's designed to result in more pageviews, but whatever the reason, it's really annoying. So, here's a link to what's been going down since he popped up to the surface of the cesspool on August 8:

  • August 8: Casey pops back up! Original blog post, discussion

  • back online. is also supposed to work for reasons Casey will be glad to explain to you if you'd like to watch his 87 hours of YouTube content he's put out since resurfacing. However, at this writing is dead.
    As of today, September 6, he says:
    Stay Tuned... Escape My House ebook to come out August 2008!

    I'm holding my breath.

  • August 9: Don't know what to blog about. - discussion. My favorite bit:
    Foreclosure people don’t CARE about my personal life. They want to know what is in it for THEM and how I can help them NOW. So doing any successful business HAS to be about the customer. Sounds like a cliche but its sooo true!

    Wasn't that a Bob Marley song? Foreclosure people, where is your past... foreclosure people, how long can you last?

  • August 10: Gym, Friends, a little Business... Yes. Very little.
    Get another short sale referral the other day and I try to follow up today on it. Leave a message. I hate phone tag and having to sell people on the process. If they can just buy my ebook first they will know how to do it themselves. Then if they need help they can hire me. That would be such a better business model.
    That's the spirit - the only real business opportunity he has and he'll "try to follow up on it."

    Also, Vision for the blog and commitment -

    1. Go to the gym. Today is leg day.
    2. Plan for “Massive Focused Action” this coming up week to launch the EscapeMyHouse project. So I can be a responsible person and get some cashflow going.
    3. Also plan for getting taxes done. The extension deadline is approaching faaaast.
    4. Go to bed early. Relatively speaking.
    5. Wakeup at 6am and CHARGE!

    You can see he's really back on the "early riser" train.

  • August 11: Taking Action -
    Worth 1000:

  • August 12: War, Depression, Gold... - - A very long post about how the world is going to end, so you better buy some GSPG now!

  • Plan for August 13 - Just a picture of his to-do list. Apparently he launched EscapeMyHouse that day! WOohoo!

    Later: Internet marketing - 20% success! in which he expounds at length on internet marketing. A gripping read!

  • August 14: Early Riser Challenge 2!! Electric Boogaloo! -

  • August 15: Dollar's Trash - Gold is Real Cash -

  • August 16: First video post! - Yes, you too can be bored out of your skull watching Casey on YouTube. LEAVE CASEY ALONE!!!!!

  • August 16: Prospecting for Gold - - in which we learn that Casey is going to be waitstaff at an event. Wow! He's working!

  • August 18: 96 hours of Massive Focused Action! - - He's going to work 9-5 Monday-Saturday on! Success is assured! And, NO PERSONAL BLOGGING DURING WORK!

  • August 18: TLDR - Two videos and 100% productivity! -
    What can I say, I love being online. That’s my true self. If I can do something good with it, then “it’s all good’!
    8 Hours of PURE Massive Focused Action. 100% success. I only took a few small breaks to grab a snacks, drink some strong green tea, use the toilet, etc.
    No naps today, just very sleepy, yet still energetic. Weird I know. Must be the high-octane veggie juices, my mile jog this morning and just the sheer excitement of getting things done and make measurable progress! Love it!

    Wow! He worked for 8 hours! Alert the media! We have a True Working Man among us!

  • August 19: Chumbawumba inspiration! - Watch the video of self pity - just 24 hours ago it was a Massive Focused Actionathon - now, let's have a nap and start our workday at 3 PM. But that's OK because we're Self Employed Entrepreneurs!

  • August 19: Nigel I'm Sorry - - a heartfelt apology. Or, I assume so, I'm not watching that crap.

  • August 20: Stop Hatin' and Let's Help People Blah Blah -
    Ok I normally don’t get very worked up with the “haterz” but it got under my skin last night in the comments. I’m NOT going to get a W2 job (unless I have to) or go to college to learn to be a good employee or feel bad about living with my parents to save money until my ventures take off.

    Haterz need to stop trying to force me, a round peg, into their square holes! There is nothing wrong with wanting to be an entrepreneur / internet marketer and wanting to help people with information. I have skills and passion. I have all the expertise I need to get started and can partner with experts for stuff I don’t yet know.

  • August 21: He's going to be a "Reality" TV "Star" -
    It’s all fun and games but billz need to be paid and I’m semi-dying to move outta my parents house!

    I’m working full speed ahead on the ebook because I feel there is a very good chance of making money from it in the next month or two. If I keep taking breaks and delaying it, I will continue having cashflow problems and will have to work more odd jobs or borrow. I don’t want to do that.

    Does he read his own self?

  • August 21: A shirtless video. I'm not linking that shit! -

  • August 22: Goldsprint and Me -
    For the record, I currently control a total of 2.5M shares.

    My total investment into this stock is about 20 grand. (Which was borrowed of course… sweet leverage! :-) )

    If my math is right, he's got $100k worth of this stock. I wonder if his creditors are aware of this?

  • August 23: Old Photos and other rambling -
    I Don’t Want To Hurt Anybody…

    I told my family about the blog today. Their reaction was mixed. Will see how things develop. I may have to move out sooner rather than later, because I don’t want to get them involved too much.

    I’ve hurt people by being too open in the last blog… including my wife who is my first love and I’m still waiting for her (it was fault).

    With this new blog I’m learning to be sensitive, while understanding that there is only so much I can do. Anybody who is going to be famous/infamous as part of their line of work is going to have haterz. That’s just the fact of life. I just have to do whatever I can do to minimize any damage.

    Way TLDR.

  • August 24: -
    What if she’s watching?

    Quietly waiting for me to change?

    She DID say that if I change and become a different person that MAYBE we can date again and remarry.
    Problem - this blog may be giving the wrong image. Perhaps there is a responsible way to continue blogging and documenting my changes. Maybe there is a way to pull it off correctly.
    Can I continue to blog and have a chance to win her back?

    Not this shit again.

  • August 26: Casey.TV acquired! - Wow, those .TV domains are a frickin GOLD MINE, I tell you.

  • August 28: I’m a Professional Blogger and Internet Marketer… That’s My JOB -
    Especially all this talk about getting a job. I already HAVE a job. I’m a professional blogger with proven results! My new venture(s) haven’t started spinnning off income just yet but… as they say… IF YOU BUILD IT THEY WILL COME.

    That’s the advice I often hear given to kids who are graduating highschool or whatever. Too bad most people end up SETTLING for something they don’t LOVE but only are doing for the money. I hate doing something just for the money. If I’m not passionate about my work then it’s probably not the best work for me.

    All of this stuff came to me as I was enjoying a nice day yesterday in Old Fair Oaks village (after getting a haircut). I grabbed a vegan nut burger from Sunflower Drive-In and a soy latte from Java City on the main street. Then I went to my favorite nature spot at the American River which is right by the Fair Oaks village. It’s one of my favorite spots to go to in Sacramento area.

    See? He's got a job and can afford vegan nut burgers and soy lattes! Lay off him already or he'll bust some of that professional blogging stuff on your ass!

  • August 29: Watch Casey Work Live - That's today, on the PaintDrying Channel!

  • September 1: Labor Day - - a day for figuring out how to avoid labor:
    Before I can start making big impact I must master the skill of outsourcing and building a support organization below me so that I can focus on high leverage activities instead of getting bogged down by the the mundane and the routine.

  • September 2: Enough! -
    I’m going to do a little bit of a time-out here. Certain immature iditos who have been leaving comments on this blog have gotten on my nerves by going too far… and I don’t have time to babysit.

    I’m finalizing my free foreclosure ebook and will be releasing it any day, in time for the TV interview. Plus I have some urgent debt and tax issues I need to address and it’s taking a lot of my attention. I can’t afford to be distracted by non-sense.

    I refuse to allow negative people to keep me from achieving my dreams and pursuing my calling! Haters will have no power over me.

    What exactly is that calling?

  • September 3: Casey Serin Working Live Back On Air Today - Still workin on the eBook...

  • September 4: I INTEND To Work Every Day In Pursuit Of My Goals… - Hey, look! It's "The Secret"!
    my INTENTION (intentions are key!) is to be an early riser as well as work hard every day, ideally 9-5.

    But if I DON’T…

    So What?

    Next day I pick up where I left off and keep moving.

    There will even be days when I will work 12 hours straight because I’m inspired and in the right mood.

    As a self-employed entrepreneur I can choose to work any schedule I want… that’s freedom. However, I still must be productive or there will not be any sweet cashflow (passive or active).

  • September 5: Live On Australia’s #1 TV Show Tomorrow… Comments Enabled -
    The comments are off… I’m adjusting my online strategy right now to be more focused on achieving my objectives.