Thursday, November 1, 2007

Herding Cats

[UPDATE: This post was deleted from FHB. You can find a complete reproduction at CHC here If anyone knows a non-registration required link to a full copy, please comment.]

Damion posts a huge troll trying to rile up the haterz.

To those out there who only wish ill on Casey and are salivating at the thought of him exploding through fusion or being carted away to Club Fed, your dreams are going to be spoiled. Casey is alive, he’s kickin and he aint goin anywhere close to jailhouse rock. Casey is doing what almost nobody on the planet is doing including most of the idiotic haterz out there. He’s stepping up and taking responsibility. He’s working his ass off here at FHB and is not blaming anyone other than himself for the mess he’s in. He did in the past, talking about how the evil lenders wronged him etc…predatory lending…yada yada but those days are over…I believe in him and his commitment to make things right with all those who have been burned by his actions.

Of course, almost all haterz would love to see Casey step up and "succeed". A large portion of us started off as supporterz, giving him advice which would have helped him had he followed it. In just about every single case, after a certain number of times watching Casey ignore our advice and fail forward, we gave up on him.

But, if he truly does turn it around, I know at least I would fully support him.

So, go for it, Casey! Prove us wrong! I'll believe it when I see it.

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